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Manhattan prosecutors don't oppose delaying Trump's sentencing after Supreme Court immunity ruling


Editor's Note: Judge Juan Merchan agreed to postpone sentencing until September 18. The original article is available below:

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg said he does not object to delaying Donald Trump's sentencing following the Supreme Court's ruling that former presidents enjoy broad immunity for official acts.

“Although we believe [Trump’s] “Since the arguments are without merit, we do not oppose his request for leave to testify and his putative request for a stay of sentencing pending the decision on his motion,” attorneys for the prosecutor's office said in a letter to the judge in the case on Tuesday.

On Monday, Trump's lawyers filed a motion arguing that Trump's conviction should be overturned based on the Supreme Court's ruling, saying the district attorney should not have been allowed to present evidence about Trump's official acts while in office.

Trump was convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records in May, and his sentencing is currently scheduled for July 11.

Trump's letter to Judge Juan Merchan on Monday cited a March 7 pretrial motion in which his lawyers argued that certain testimony and evidence, including Trump's public statements and social media posts while in office, constituted evidence consistent with official acts.

The Supreme Court has ruled that evidence of official acts cannot be presented “even on charges that purport to be based solely on his unofficial conduct.” Trump's lawyers said Monday that “evidence of official acts should never have been presented to the jury.”

“The verdicts in this case violate the doctrine of presidential immunity and create serious risks of 'self-cannibalizing the executive branch,'” they wrote in their letter, citing the Supreme Court's decision.

Bragg’s attorneys said in their response that they believe Trump’s “arguments are without merit,” but they did not object to him being allowed to file the motion. Trump did not ask for a postponement of sentencing, but prosecutors said “his request to file motion papers on July 10 is necessarily a request to adjourn the sentencing hearing currently scheduled for July 11.” They asked for a July 24 deadline to respond to the defense motion.

On May 30, a unanimous jury found Trump guilty of falsifying documents to conceal the repayment of a “bribe” paid to an adult film star. Trump gave the green light to subordinates who falsified documents as part of the scheme while he was in the White House in 2017.

The question of whether Trump engaged in official acts has been raised before in the case. In 2023, Trump's lawyers said the allegations involved official acts carried out in his presidential capacity.

A federal judge rejected that claim, writing: “Paying an adult film star to keep quiet is not related to the official acts of a president. It does not reflect in any way the color of the president's official duties.”

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