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Today in Politics: PM Modi set to reply to Rajya Sabha debate amid fireworks; curtain rises on Parliament session | Political Pulse News


The first session of Parliament after the Lok Sabha elections will end on Wednesday when the Rajya Sabha will continue the debate on the President's motion of thanks in both houses of Parliament. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to reply to the debate in the Upper House.

The first session of the newly constituted 18th Lok Sabha was adjourned sine die by Speaker Om Birla on Tuesday after the adoption of the motion of thanks on the President's speech. The session, which began on June 24, had seven sittings, during which 539 members of the Lok Sabha took oath or solemn declaration in the first two days.

Heated exchanges between the Treasury and Opposition benches are expected in the Rajya Sabha during PM Modi's reply on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, while concluding the debate on the motion of thanks in the Lok Sabha, the Prime Minister launched a scathing attack on the Congress, a day after he and his party were targeted by Leader of the Opposition (LoP) Rahul Gandhi, telling the House that his government had a clear mandate for stability and continuity with a third consecutive term in power while the Congress, like a parasite (parjeevi) feeding on its allies for survival, remained in denial.

Modi, who spoke in the Lower House for over two hours amid opposition chants of “Justice for Manipur” and “Bharat Jodo”, accused the Congress and its entire ecosystem of trying to disparage, abuse and insult Hinduism and hatching a conspiracy to falsely claim that Hindus were violent, Vikas Pathak reported.

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Alleging that the Congress was trying to create chaos in the defeat, the Prime Minister urged the Speaker to take strict action to defend the dignity of the House against what happened on Monday, which was a slap in the face to the wisdom of our people and our great national traditions.

This was a reference to Rahul Gandhi's speech in which he had referred to Hinduism while attacking the BJP's remarks which were later erased from the archives and prompted Modi to intervene, saying that this was a very serious issue. Calling the entire Hindu society violent is a serious issue.

Targeting the Congress leader, Modi used the word balak buddhi (immature mind) several times in his speech.

Several references to Hinduism in the context of the BJP, three references to two industrialists whom the Congress frequently mentions in the context of the Modi government, two to the Agnipath programme and one to the NEET row, Manipur and the Prime Minister in particular. These passages were among the 14 passages in Gandhi’s first speech as party chief in the Lok Sabha, lasting about 100 minutes and frequently interrupted by the Treasury benches, that were expunged by Speaker Birla late on Monday evening.

The delisting decision, made public on Tuesday, drew sharp criticism from the Congress, with Gandhi writing to Birla questioning the decision and demanding that his remarks be restored to the parliamentary record, Manoj C G reported.

Earlier on Tuesday, Gandhi wrote to the Prime Minister requesting him to facilitate a debate in the House on the leaked documents. He said the Opposition's request to discuss the NEET issue was rejected in both the Houses of Parliament.

Opposition alliance INDIA has been raising the issue of leaking NEET papers to corner the NDA government since the beginning of the session.

Rajasthan Assembly Session Begins

The budget session of the Rajasthan Assembly will begin on Wednesday, an official statement said.

According to the statement, Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister Diya Kumari will present the entire budget for the current financial year during the session. The budget session of the Assembly is usually held in February-March, but this year only a vote on account was presented by the state government during this period due to the Lok Sabha elections.

Several bills are expected to be passed during the session, including one granting 50 per cent reservation to women in recruitment of third-grade teachers in the state.

Karnataka BJP to lay siege to CM House

Karnataka BJP leaders will lay siege to Chief Minister Siddaramaiah's residence in Bengaluru on Wednesday, demanding his resignation in connection with an alleged illegal money transfer scam involving a state-run company, according to party state president BY Vijayendra.

The illegal money transfer case, involving the alleged company, came to light after its Superintendent of Accounts Chandrashekhar P committed suicide on May 26, leaving behind a death note.

The note stated that Rs 187 crore belonging to the company was transferred unauthorisedly from its bank account, and Rs 88.62 crore was illegally transferred to various accounts allegedly belonging to “well-known” IT companies and a Hyderabad-based cooperative bank, among others.

Following allegations against him in connection with the scam, Scheduled Tribes Welfare Minister B Nagendra tendered his resignation on June 6.

With PTI inputs




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