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Jokowi's promise to cut slow-moving officials and eliminate extortion in today's story, July 14, 2019


JAKARTA – Three years ago, on July 14, 2019, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) presented his new vision after being re-elected as the head of Indonesia. He revealed this in a speech titled Visi Indonesia at the Sentul International Convention Center (SICC), Bogor, West Java.

Jokowi has made many points. From the slow dismissal of civil servants to the crackdown on license extortion. All of this is considered the estuary of failure. Investors did not invest, while Indonesia got nothing.

Jokowi’s victory in the 2019 presidential election was greeted with much fanfare. The Indonesian people have once again entrusted Jokowi with the leadership of Indonesia. A trust that wants to be rewarded immediately. He chose SICC as the ideal venue to expound his vision and mission for the second term. He also delivered a speech entitled Visi Indonesia at the pulpit on July 14, 2019.

Jokowi said that the Indonesian people must be aware that the development of the global environment is very dynamic. This means that future phenomena will be full of challenges, risks and great complexity.

Jokowi in front of a crowd of supporters at SICC Bogor on July 14, 2019. (Twitter@jokowi)

Jokowi calls on all Indonesians to continue to find new models and new methods. This step was taken to be able to overcome all the problems with a new weapon. Innovation is the watchword. It is time to abandon the old and impractical methods, he thought.

Everything requires serious commitment. Dynamic situations must be managed wisely. Development must be encouraged. Indonesia must therefore be competitive. Dare to discover the problem and dare to take decisive action.

“The global phenomena whose characteristics we know are full of changes, full of speed, full of risks, full of complexity and full of surprises, which are often far from our calculations. That is why we must look for a new model, new ways, new values ​​to find solutions to each problem through innovations.”

“We all have to want it and we will be forced to do it. We have to abandon the old ways, the old models, both in the management of organizations and in the management of institutions and in the management of government. What is no longer effective, we make it effective! What is already ineffective, we make it effective!” Jokowi said, as broadcast by the official NET News on its YouTube channel.

He understands that it is not easy to achieve change. There is a lot to do. Jokowi also has a tactic to adopt. Bureaucratic reform has been chosen. The goal is to immediately open the investment tap as wide as possible.

Jokowi has vowed to stamp out extortion and fire civil servants who are slow to serve the public. (Twitter@jokowi)

He has fought against all sorts of things that were holding back investment. Jokowi wants to stop extortion, slow down the work of civil servants and end problematic institutions.

“It is very important for us to reform our bureaucracy. A structural reform! To make the institution simpler, more straightforward, more agile! Be careful! If the mindset, the bureaucratic mindset does not change, I am sure I will abolish it!”

“The speed of service, the speed of issuing permits, is the key to bureaucratic reform. I will check it myself! I will check myself! As soon as I see that it is ineffective or inoperative, I will make sure to abolish it, to dismiss the official. If there is a useless and problematic institution, I will dissolve it!” Jokowi added at the time.

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