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Donald Trump filmed saying Joe Biden, broken down, has resigned: it's Kamala


Donald Trump delivered a brutal assessment of Joe Biden’s performance against him in last week’s presidential debate, calling the president a crumbling pile of shit on the verge of dropping out of the race in a video provided to The Daily Beast by a source.

“He just dropped out, you know, he's dropping out of the race,” Trump said, sitting in a golf cart. “I got him out of there and that means we have Kamala.”

Later in the clip, he flatters Chinese President Xi Jinping, calling him a fierce man, a very tough guy who Biden might be unable to handle.

It is not immediately clear where or when exactly the footage was secretly filmed.

In the video, the former president asks the person holding the camera what they thought of his own performance in the debate. As he is told that he did something fantastic and amazing, Trump continues to boast: “Look at this old piece of crap in ruins.”

“He’s a bad guy,” he said, apparently referring to Biden. After announcing that the president was resigning and handing over to Kamala Harris, Trump continued: “I think she’ll be a better opponent.”

She's so bad. She's so pathetic, he adds, tugging at his gloves, then seems to say: She's so bad.

Trump then comes back to Biden and asks, “Can you imagine this guy dealing with Putin? And the president of China, who is a fierce person. He’s a fierce man, a very tough guy. And they see it.”

Before leaving, the former president repeats: “But they just announced that he's probably going to resign. Keep knocking him out, huh?”

Reached for comment Wednesday evening, Trump campaign spokesman Stephen Cheung referred The Daily Beast to a statement released earlier in the day about the total collapse of the Democratic Party.

Every Democrat who is calling on corrupt Joe Biden to resign was once a supporter of Biden and his failed policies that lead to extreme inflation, an open border and chaos at home and abroad, reads the statement, attributed to campaign advisers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles.

Make no mistake, the Democrats, the mainstream media, and the swamp have colluded to hide the truth from the American public: Joe Biden is weak, a failure, dishonest, and unworthy of the White House, he continued. Each of them has lied about Joe Biden’s cognitive state and supported his disastrous policies over the past four years, especially the sneering co-pilot Kamala Harris.

The statement ends by announcing that Trump will beat any Democrat on November 5 because he has a proven track record and is focused on making America great again.

A White House spokesperson referred The Daily Beast to the Biden campaign, which issued a statement firing back at Trump later Wednesday night.

No, Donald, the campaign said. What's wrong is disenfranchising women, what's wrong is losing an election and encouraging a mob to storm the Capitol, what's wrong is assaulting women, what's wrong is not paying your taxes, what's wrong is wanting our economy to fail…

The anaphora continued at length, with the campaign continuing to castigate Trump for, among other things, his hair and his golf game, committing 34 felonies, wanting to be a dictator from day one and campaigning on a platform of vengeance and retribution before asking what is best for our country.

Thank you for allowing us to clarify this point for you, he concluded.

Biden's camp has denied that he is resigning, with White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre telling reporters Wednesday that the president was not considering that possibility at all.

Still, he told key allies behind closed doors that he knew his performance in the coming days would be crucial if he had any hope of salvaging his campaign, according to The New York Times. (A Biden campaign spokesman vigorously denied the report, calling the Times story false.)

The president was scheduled to meet with 24 Democratic governors at the White House Wednesday night to try to allay their concerns. He is also scheduled to travel to Pennsylvania and Wisconsin in the coming days.

He knows that if he has two more events like that, he'll be in a different place by the end of the week, a Biden ally told the Times, referring to his flawless performance in last Thursday's debate.

Sharing the stage with Trump for the first time since 2020, Biden wandered and hesitated throughout the debate, issuing inconsistencies and at one point arguing with the presumptive Republican nominee over golf handicaps.

These events have prompted the release of several new polls reflecting growing concern that Biden will not be able to beat Trump in November, much less lead the country for four more years.

A Reuters/Ipsos poll found one in three Democrats think he should resign, while a CNN poll found voters preferred Trump to Biden by six percentage points, 49% to 43%. Both polls were released Tuesday.

By Wednesday, at least two Capitol Democrats, Rep. Ral Grijalva (Ariz.) and Rep. Lloyd Doggett (Texas), had publicly called on Biden to step down. A number of major Biden donors have also expressed doubts about his viability as a candidate.

As concerns about Biden’s mental and physical acuity mount, the conversation has turned to his number two, Vice President Kamala Harris, with a growing contingent of fans — the so-called KHive — who are wryly and earnestly spreading her gospel online.

Post-debate polls reflect a similar momentum in Harris’ favor, with the Reuters survey showing 81% of Democrats polled have a favorable view of Harris, compared to 78% for Biden. The CNN poll showed the vice president closing the gap with Trump, trailing him 47% to 45%, a result within the margin of error.

The vice president, for her part, has taken up Biden’s cause, defending him publicly and privately since the debate. On Wednesday, she reportedly told her team: “We will not back down. We will follow the lead of our president.”




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