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In letters, texts and posts, January 6 victims respond to Supreme Court ruling on Trump's immunity


Washington — Some began texting each other. Others gathered to vent their emotions on Zoom. One wrote a handwritten letter, fearing the end of “the great experiment” that was the United States of America.

Many victims and families of those attacked during the Jan. 6, 2021, siege of the Capitol are sharing the frustration, anger and “retraumatization” they are feeling after the Supreme Court ruled that former President Donald Trump enjoys immunity for “official acts” he performed while in office. The decision overturned the case brought against Trump by special counsel Jack Smith in Washington over Trump’s alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election results.

The Supreme Court ordered the district judge in charge of the case to reevaluate whether Trump’s alleged acts constituted official acts, including allegations related to his role in the Jan. 6 attack. With the trial now postponed indefinitely, families and victims are reaching out to each other — and to the media — to express their disappointment and fears.

“The recent decision of the [Supreme Court] “It was horrific and should frighten every citizen of the United States,” said Craig Sicknick, whose brother Brian was a U.S. Capitol Police officer who died of a stroke a day after defending the Capitol from the rioting mob.

In a letter written after the court ruling and shared with CBS News, Sicknick wrote that his family “has been through hell.”

“The courts of the United States are supposed to decide what punishments should be applied to people who break the laws of our country, regardless of their color, gender, wealth, political position, fame, and any other differences we may have as individuals,” the letter reads. “We have learned once again that this concept is false, with the very wealthy literally getting away with it.”

The mother of a congressional staffer who was cornered by the mob on January 6 exchanged messages with others, calling the Supreme Court’s decision “devastating” and expressing skepticism about the chances of Trump being tried in Washington because of it. Another staffer messaged others saying the decision was “re-traumatizing.”

In a message posted online Monday, retired Capitol Police Sergeant Aquilino Gonell wrote: “This decision is deeply upsetting, but not surprising.” Gonell, who testified before the House committee investigating the attack, suffered career-ending injuries while stopping rioters on the front lines.

U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn, left, and Sergeant Aquilino Gonell listen during a House of Representatives January 6 Committee hearing on June 9, 2022. Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Gonell has often expressed support for the Trump lawsuits and criticized the court's decision in a separate statement to CBS News. “The Supreme Court has effectively given its seal of approval to MAGA extremists,” Gonell wrote.

In a media conference call hosted by the Biden campaign on Monday, former Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn blasted the court, saying, “We can’t count on the Supreme Court or any institution to hold him accountable.”

Dunn, who has since left the Capitol Police and unsuccessfully sought the Democratic nomination for a U.S. House seat in Maryland last month, said on the Zoom call: “We went through what we went through on January 6th, and now the Supreme Court is saying, as long as it’s in [Trump’s] officially, that it is OK.

Norma Torres, a Democratic representative from California who was trapped in the House chamber during the attack and was one of the last representatives to be safely evacuated, expressed her disappointment on social media. “No one is above the law, but the Supreme Court has shown us time and time again how extreme they are, eroding the fabric of our democracy and putting Americans at risk,” she wrote Monday.

The Sicknick family told CBS News that the court's decision was so “crushing” that they were forgoing any media interviews. A family representative said Craig Sicknick's written letter expressed the family's disappointment.

His letter concluded: “It is possible that the damage done to our nation by Trump can heal and we can move forward as a better and stronger nation, but it is also very possible that this decision has doomed the ‘great experiment’ that was the United States of America.”

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