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Trump advisers hope Biden stays in the race, while considering alternative scenarios


Donald Trump and his campaign are hoping President Biden will stay in the race, according to four people familiar with the private discussions, confident they can beat him despite Trump’s felony conviction and other charges. But they are also stepping up their attacks on Vice President Harris.

Publicly, Trump and his allies have rejected suggestions that Biden might drop out of the race, insisting it is too late for Democrats to change course. Privately, they have begun preparing for other possibilities and believe it may be harder to beat another Democrat than Biden or Harris.

“I’m going to run and I’m going to campaign, whether it’s him or somebody else,” Trump said in an interview Monday with Richmond radio host John Reid, referring to polls showing he is doing as well or better than other Democrats.

The funny thing is, we're beating him in the polls by a lot, but nobody else is doing better, he added in an interview broadcast Monday with radio host John Fredericks.

It is unusual for Trump, who is more accustomed to grabbing headlines, to let Biden be the center of attention. But he has kept a low profile since the debate, and no public events are planned this week. His running mate is expected to be announced as early as next week, and the Republican National Convention is the following week.

The Trump campaign’s message to representatives after last week’s debate was that Biden is the Democratic nominee and Democrats are obligated to support him, according to a Republican close to the campaign, who, like others interviewed for this article, spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly. Biden struggled through the 90-minute showdown, setting off widespread alarm in his party.

“It seems like they want Biden to stay on the ticket. They think he’s vulnerable and they like their situation. You can tell they’re not at all excited about him leaving the race,” said David Axelrod, a longtime Obama strategist.

Trump advisers were privately stunned by Biden's poor performance, thinking he would be a better debater, people familiar with the matter said.

Taylor Budowich, who heads Trump’s outside political action committee, said clips from Thursday’s debate would make for devastating campaign ads. But Budowich also said Harris’ nomination had the ad team laughing with excitement. On Wednesday, the PAC, known as MAGA Inc., aired an attack on Harris titled: Is Kamala Harris, the Invasion Czar, the Best They’ve Had?

Trump posted a video of himself on his social media account Wednesday night, in which he claims to have forced Biden to drop out of the race while sitting in a golf cart.

He's dropping out of the race, Trump said. I got him out of there. And that means we have Kamala. I think she's going to get better. She's so bad. She's so pathetic. She's just so bad.

Sarafina Chitika, a spokeswoman for the Biden campaign, defended Harris in a statement and attacked Trump's record: “No, Donald. What's wrong is disenfranchising women; what's wrong is losing an election and encouraging a violent mob to attack the Capitol.”

Biden’s campaign and the White House have insisted the president remains committed to running and are planning a new round of campaign events and at least one television interview. The campaign said it raised $127 million in June, ending the month with $240 million in cash on hand, compared with Trump’s $111.8 million and $285 million in the bank.

The outgoing president and his aides have sought to maintain the offensive against Trump, attacking him on issues including abortion and the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by a pro-Trump mob. On Monday, Biden responded to a Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity, saying it would give Trump more courage to do whatever he wants in a second term.

The Trump campaign expects Biden to be the Democratic nominee, Trump spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said. We are confident that no matter what happens, we will be victorious by putting any Democratic candidate on a par with Biden and the Democratic Party, she added.

The Trump campaign has begun running ads suggesting Harris is celebrating Biden’s struggles, showing her laughing in a way that is meant to appear mean and dropping the Biden-Harris campaign logo to make the president’s name disappear. The campaign is also attacking other Democratic candidates for their past defenses of Biden, accusing them of covering up the president’s decline.

Republicans have indicated they will attack any Democratic attempt to replace Biden as an affront to Democratic primary voters and the democratic process.

What greater threat to democracy than choosing a nominee after the primaries, when millions of Democratic primary voters have already cast their ballots, and trying to replace him at a convention with a few hundred Democratic leaders? Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), a potential vice presidential candidate, said after Thursday's debate. It's the greatest threat to democracy that has been contemplated for the American government in recent years.

Outside of the campaign, lawyers at the right-wing Heritage Foundation have been studying ballot access laws in all 50 states to be prepared to oppose any effort to impeach or replace Biden after he officially becomes the Democratic nominee.

“Our research has basically shown that this is an extremely complicated case and one that is ripe for a lot of litigation,” said Mike Howell, director of the Heritages Oversight Project. “You got to dance with the girl you took to prom. An American election can’t be made up as you go along, and the fact that such a massive lie was told to the American people is not a convenient enough excuse to get around the laws.”

“We like to live by the rule that when your opponent is killing himself, you better stay away,” said Ralph Reed, president of the Faith and Freedom Coalition. “I think after Thursday, we’re going to hand it over to Joe Biden and the Democrats who have organized themselves into a circular firing squad.”

Trump himself has been relatively quiet this week, and some of his advisers have said they want him to delay announcing his new vice president as long as possible to let Democrats grapple with their own issues. Two people who have spoken to Trump in recent days said he continues to focus on Vance and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) as potential candidates, while also mentioning other names, such as North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum (R).

I don't think he's really made up his mind, one person who spoke to him said repeatedly.

Leavitt said: Very soon, President Trump will make an announcement on a vice presidential candidate who will be far more qualified and competent than Kamala Harris.

Kellyanne Conway, a longtime Trump ally, argued that Trump didn’t need to say much about the debate. The art of politics is to tell people what they can’t see, not what they do see, Conway said. People simply can’t forget what they saw in that moment.

As Democrats panicked over Biden’s poor performance in Thursday’s debate and his ability to run his campaign or stay in office for four more years, Trump welcomed more favorable developments, including a Supreme Court ruling that delayed and could eventually eliminate his criminal risk. His lawyers won a delay in his sentencing on 34 felonies in New York until September, if at all, as the judge said he would consider the effects of Monday’s Supreme Court ruling that presidents are immune from prosecution for official acts.

Some members of Trump’s campaign have expressed glee at the Democratic Party’s collapse by posting online insults, sometimes crude, directed at Biden and his team. But aides have also warned against appearing arrogant or jeopardizing their own momentum.

Right now, Biden’s entire reelection campaign is in free fall, Fredericks, one of the radio hosts, said in an interview Tuesday. All you have to do is get out of the way. Let them implode.




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