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Rishi Sunak receives surprise endorsement from Boris Johnson ahead of poll


Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson delivers a speech during a Conservative Party campaign event at the National Army Museum in London, Tuesday, July 2, 2024.

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson tried to rally the Conservative Party faithful as British politicians spent a final day of campaigning before a general election on Wednesday (July 3). The Brexit stalwart, ousted by his own Conservative lawmakers in 2022 after a series of scandals, made a surprise appearance at a party rally in London, urging his supporters not to take the result as a “foregone conclusion”.

“I know that's not the case,” he said on Tuesday night, adding that Labour opposition leader Keir Starmer would try to “bring in the most left-wing Labour government” since World War II.

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His last-minute intervention came after pollsters Survation indicated Labour was on course to defeat Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's Conservatives on Thursday, in a landslide victory bigger than its 1997 election win under Tony Blair.

Labour has enjoyed a consistent 20-point lead in polls over the past two years, with many voters dissatisfied with the Conservatives' handling of a range of issues including the cost of living, public services, immigration and the economy.

Johnson, who gave the Conservatives an 80-seat majority in the last election in 2019, allowing him to take the UK out of the European Union, was a notable absentee from the campaign. Sunak, his former finance minister, was one of several to resign in protest over one scandal too many, forcing Johnson to step down, and the two men do not like each other.

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The final day of campaigning sees Starmer crisscross the UK with visits to England, Scotland and Wales while Sunak will end his campaign in traditionally Conservative areas of south-east England.

But even as the Conservatives prepared to fight for every last vote, one of Sunak's most loyal ministers predicted Labour was on the verge of a historic victory.

“If you look at the polls, it's pretty clear that Labour is heading for an extraordinary landslide at this point on a scale that has probably never been seen in this country before,” Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride told GB News.

Former Home Secretary Suella Braverman urged Conservatives to “read the writing on the wall” and “prepare for the reality and frustration of the opposition”.

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Braverman, a right-wing member fired by Sunak last year after a series of scathing comments, said the party was “losing votes” to Nigel Farage’s anti-immigration Reform UK party. “Why? Because we have failed to cut immigration or taxes or deliver on the net-zero and woke policies that we have presided over for 14 years,” Braverman, who is considered a contender for the party leadership, wrote in The New York Times. Today's Telegraph.

She urged the party to conduct an “extremely honest post-match analysis”, adding that this would “decide whether our party continues to exist”.

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