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President Joko Widodo was greeted by Amran Sulaiman as he got off the plane


KABARIKA.ID, MAKASSAR– President Joko Widodo was greeted by Minister of Agriculture Andi Amran Sulaiman (AAS) upon disembarking from the Indonesian presidential plane at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Makassar, South Sulawesi, Thursday (4/7/2024).

President Joko Widodo accompanied by Iriana Joko Widodo immediately greeted Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman who was waiting near the stairs of the plane.

After greeting Agriculture Minister AAS, Jokowi then greeted successively the acting Governor of South Sulawesi Zudan Arif Fakhrulloh, Pangdam XIV/Hasanuddin, TNI Major General Bobby Rinal Makmun, Police Chief Inspector General Pol Andi Rian R Djajadi and other Forkopimda.

Jokowi landed at 10:30 WITA at Apron Baseops Sultan Hasanuddin Air Base in Makassar.

Andi Amran Sulaiman acted as host.

He was accompanied by the Acting Governor of South Sulawesi, Prof. Dr. Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, Chairwoman of the South Sulawesi Provincial DPRD Ms. Andi Ina Kartika, Major General of Pangdam XIV/Hsn TNI Bobby Rinal Makmun, Chief of the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Inspector General Pol. Andi Rian R Djajadi.

Agriculture Minister Amran was seen chatting closely with President Jokowi as he walked towards the Super Puma helicopter that was taking the president to Bone Regency.

Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman (left) accompanies and chats with President Joko Widodo as he gets off the plane at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, South Sulawesi, Thursday (4/7/2024). Photo: Special.

Three Super Puma helicopters took off for Bone Regency with the president, including Agriculture Minister Andi Amran, Acting Governor Zudan, Pangdam XIV/Hasanuddin, South Sulawesi Regional Police Chief and others.

In Bone Regency, President Jokowi is expected to review the pumping program in Jaling village, Awangpone subdistrict.

Pumping is the flagship program of the Ministry of Agriculture which is a quick solution to overcome Elnino and drought.

Even the planting index (PI) and production have increased. Rainfed rice fields that harvest once can be harvested twice a year. Similarly, those who have done it twice can do it three times.

In addition to Forkopimda, Jokowi's team also included Pangkoopsud II Marsda TNI Dr. Budhi Achmadi, Head of Division 3 Kostard, Brigadier General Wulan Nur Yudhanto, Kajati South Sulawesi Agus Salim, Dankosek II Marshal TNI Arief Hartono, Danlanud Hnd Marshal TNI Bonang Bayuaji, Danlantamal VI/Makassar Brigadier General TNI (Mar) Andi Rahmat.

Jokowi came accompanied by Iriana Joko Widodo and a number of ministers.

These include the Minister of PUPR of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. Basuki Hadimuljono, the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Budi Gunadi Sadikin, the Presidential Secretariat, Major General TNI Rudi Saladin, Danpaspampres, Major General TNI Achiruddin, as well as 44 members of the President's and Paspampres' apparatus.

Jokowi visited a number of districts/cities in South Sulawesi.

Among others Bone Regency, Sinjai, Bantaeng, Takalar.

President Jokowi's schedule in South Sulawesi

President Joko Widodo with Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman and Acting Governor of South Sulawesi Zudan Arif Fakhrilloh at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport, Thursday (4/7/2024). Photo by: Special

Based on the results of the RI-1 VVIP Kunker Coordination Meeting in South Sulawesi Province, here is the agenda for President Jokowi during his visit to South Sulawesi on July 4-5, 2024.

Here is the agenda:
Thursday July 4, 2024
08:00 WIB, take off from Jakarta to Makassar

10:20 WITA, landing at Sultan Hasanuddin Airport

11:00 WITA, 3 Super Puma helicopters take off for Bone Regency

11:40 WITA, 3 Super Puma helicopters landing at Arung Palaka Airport, Bone Regency.

Bone Regency
1. Promotion of traditional/popular markets and provision of direct cash assistance and working capital assistance.

2. Jaling Village, Awangpone District, Bone Regency, rice water pump inspection.

3. Go to the restaurant (representative).

4. 14:20 WITA Head to Arung Palaka Airport helipad, take off to Sinjai Regency.

Sinjai Regency

1. Review of traditional markets and provision of direct cash assistance and working capital assistance.

2. Sinjai District Hospital (BPJS Health and Hospital Services).

3. Travel to Bulukumba by land (stay at a representative Bulukumba hotel).

Friday July 5, 2024: Bulukumba Regency

1. Stay at alternative hotels: Hakunamatata Hotel, Same Hotel, Ammatoa Tanjung Bira Hotel.

2. 07:30 WITA, Inspection of traditional markets and delivery of direct cash assistance and working capital assistance.

3. Inspection of H. Andi Sulthan Daeng Radja District Hospital. Bulukumba (BPJS Health and Hospital Services).

4. Head to Bantaeng by land
Bantaeng Regency.

1. Water pump inspection, Layoa village, Kec. Gantarangkeke, Bantaeng Regency. Area of ​​500 Ha of farmland.

2. RSUD Review Prof. Anwar Makatutu (BPJS Health and Hospital Services).

3. Friday prayer at Sheikh Abdul Gani Bantaeng Grand Mosque.

4. Go to a restaurant (have lunch).

5. 14:00 WITA Head to Heliport Tower. Black Beach Seruni Bantaeng (towards Takalar Regency).

Takalar Regency
1. 14:30 WITA, landing at Pamukulu Dam.
2. Inauguration of the Pamukulu dam.

3. 15:15 WITA, proceed to Sultan Hasanuddin Airport via Super Puma Heli.

4. 15:35 WITA, take off for Jakarta

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