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Indian team at PM Modi's residence after thunderous reception for T20 World Cup champions


The Indian team, the champions of the T20 World Cup 2024, arrived at Prime Minister Narendra Modi's residence in New Delhi on Thursday, July 4 after being given a hero's welcome at the airport and the team hotel. The Indian cricket team landed in New Delhi on Thursday morning in an Air India chartered plane from Barbados. After a three-day wait on the Caribbean island after the T20 World Cup triumph, the cricket heroes returned home with the trophy. The BCCI shared a video of the players collecting the trophy from the chartered plane.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi hosted the victorious team, including the players and support staff led by Rahul Dravid, for a special breakfast. The Prime Minister will listen to the experience of the Indian players during the memorable World Cup campaign in the Caribbean. Prime Minister Modi was among the first to congratulate the team after India's victory over South Africa in the T20 World Cup final at the Kensington Oval in Barbados on Saturday.


A large group of fans welcomed the team at the airport. Captain Rohit Sharma walked out of the airport with the trophy in his hand. Virat Kohli received a warm welcome and the star player greeted the fans, acknowledging their support.

Virat Kohli leaves New Delhi airport on Thursday (Delhi Airport/X)

The men in blue were notably stranded in Barbados for four days after winning the coveted title, with the airport closed due to Hurricane Beryl. Once the weather improved, a special Air India charter flight was sent to Barbados to bring the world champions home.

After a long journey of around 18 hours, the team finally landed in India, as fans waited in long queues since late night to see their favourite stars. Special arrangements were made for the team's reception at the airport and hotel.

A special cake representing the World Cup trophy has also been prepared for the team and will be cut upon the team's arrival at the hotel. Welcome drinks representing the national tricolour are also ready for the entire team. After a special meeting with the Prime Minister, the team will fly to Mumbai for a special fan roadshow starting from Nariman Point to Wankhede Stadium where the entire team will be honoured.

What is the Indian team's schedule for Thursday?

The Indian team leaves for Prime Minister Modi's house at 9:30 am.

After their meeting, they take a charter flight to Mumbai.

Driving from Mumbai Airport to Wankhede Stadium

1 km long bus parade to Wankhede Stadium.

A short presentation at Wankhede and the World Cup will be given by Rohit to BCCI Secretary Jay Shah.

The Indian team disperses to Wankhede in the evening.

Team India beat South Africa in the final of the T20 World Cup on Saturday. Rohit Sharma became the second captain after MS Dhoni to lift the T20 World Cup trophy for India. It was also the end of an 11-year wait for an ICC trophy in men's cricket.

India posted a score of 176 in the grand finale at the Kensington Oval in Barbados. Virat Kohli top-scored with 76 after which the bowlers ran the show. South Africa were in fine form at one point, needing just 30 off 30. However, Jasprit Bumrah took over and delivered a miserly spell in the end to hand India victory.

After this win, Rohit Sharma, Virat Kohli and Ravindra Jadeja retired from T20Is. It was also the end of coach Rahul Dravid's tenure.

Published by:

Ashutosh Acharya

Published on :

July 4, 2024

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