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Unveiling Narendra Modi's Leadership Legacy: A Definitive Exploration


A new book, Power Within: The Leadership Legacy of Narendra Modi, offers an in-depth look at Modi's leadership journey

The last ten years have been dominated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the helm of affairs. An outsider, as he calls himself, has made deep inroads into Indian politics and into the hearts and minds of millions of Indians who adore him for his unwavering determination and for delivering on his promise to make India a developed nation. His leadership is indeed exemplary and has given the country a sense of purpose and confidence.

A new book that looks at Narendra Modi's leadership qualities is a treat.

Power Within: The Leadership Legacy of Narendra Modi, written by eminent development scholar Dr R Balasubramaniam, offers an in-depth exploration of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s leadership journey, meticulously capturing his contributions to India’s socio-economic landscape. Launched amidst notable dignitaries like former NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant, NASSCOM Chairperson Debjani Ghosh and IIM Bengaluru’s Prof. B Mahadevan, the book is a testament to the significant impact of Prime Minister Modi on the nation’s development, particularly in the area of ​​digital public infrastructure.

Dr Balasubramaniam, renowned for his pioneering work with rural and tribal communities, brings a unique perspective to the story.

It contrasts trait-oriented Western approaches to leadership with practice-oriented Indian philosophies, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics of leadership. This blend of perspectives offers a nuanced view of Modi’s fifty years of public life, from his formative years to his tenure as prime minister, highlighting the enduring qualities that have defined his leadership.

The book is particularly compelling in its analysis of Prime Minister Modi’s role in India’s digital transformation. As Amitabh Kant pointed out at the launch, under Modi’s leadership, India has achieved a staggering 130 billion fast payment transactions per year. This achievement, driven by initiatives such as the 100 Digital Melas in 2017, reflects Modi’s relentless and meticulous approach to improving digital public infrastructure. Kant’s insights, drawn from his tenure as CEO of NITI Aayog, vividly illustrate Modi’s forward-thinking vision and commitment to digital inclusion.

Dr. Balasubramaniam chronicles these achievements through a series of poignant anecdotes and testimonies from Modi’s colleagues, including Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman. The narrative paints a vivid portrait of a leader dedicated to self-discovery and service, striving to elevate the nation through innovation and hard work. The detailed exploration of Modi’s leadership style, comparing it to Western and Indian leadership frameworks, offers valuable lessons for future leaders and civil servants.

His work encapsulates the wisdom of leadership and its true essence. He suggests that exercising leadership is a way of giving meaning to our lives by contributing to the lives of others. And such an opportunity to express leadership presents itself to us every day. What is required is the sensitivity to recognize a purpose when it emerges and the courage to act on it as a labor of love.

Personalities like Anand Mahindra, Chairman of Mahindra Group, and Falguni Nayar, Founder and CEO of Nykaa, have praised the book for its thought-provoking insights and ability to change perceptions about leadership. Mahindra hails it as a book that “will undoubtedly change the outlook and perceptions about powerful leadership,” while Nayar highlights its relevance in understanding the dynamics that have propelled India to new heights.

Power Within is more than a biography; it is a guide to understanding the essence of leadership. Dr. Balus’s insights on the nature of leadership, emphasizing the importance of sensitivity to purpose and the courage to act, resonate deeply.

His portrayal of leadership as a labor of love, a way of giving meaning to our lives by contributing to others, is a powerful message that underscores the entire narrative.

This book is a must-read for anyone interested in leadership, public service, and the transformative journey of one of India’s most influential leaders. Dr. Balasubramaniam’s nuanced portrayal of Narendra Modi’s legacy not only offers insight into the man behind the political figure, but also a roadmap for those who aspire to lead with purpose and integrity. Power Within: The Leadership Legacy of Narendra Modi promises to be an essential addition to the library of anyone seeking to understand the dynamics of impactful leadership.

(The author is a seasoned journalist and art critic; his views are personal.)




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