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Donald Trump criticized by local newspaper after debate


Former President Donald Trump was criticized Wednesday by the Palm Beach Post editorial board, which urged Democrats not to base their November vote on last week's debate.

The Florida news site's op-ed comes nearly a week after Trump faced President Joe Biden for the first presidential debate of the 2024 election in Atlanta. The event reignited concerns about Biden's mental and physical health after the president stumbled on several gaffes throughout the night, and some Democrats have since called on the 81-year-old to withdraw from the party's presidential race.

Trump’s performance in the debates was nothing out of the ordinary for the former president. He repeatedly dodged questions from the moderators and instead directed his attacks at his political opponents, including Biden. He also made several false or misleading statements on issues such as abortion, the economy and immigration.

Republican presidential candidate and former President Donald Trump takes part in CNN's presidential debate at CNN Studios in Atlanta on Thursday. Trump's hometown newspaper, The Palm Beach Post, criticized him and his policies in an editorial published Wednesday. More Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

In Wednesday's essay, the Post's board argued that nothing said by either candidate in last week's debate “changes the candidates' record as public servants or their level of personal character and integrity.”

The editorial went on to describe Trump, who resides in Palm Beach County, as “a convicted felon who has lied and cheated in business, elections, marriage and even golf” and criticized the former president for installing a conservative-majority Supreme Court while he was in office.

“He also tried to overthrow the government,” the editorial board wrote. “We know our neighbor at Mar-a-Lago well: Donald Trump is a bad person.”

On May 30, Trump was convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records. The charges related to money paid to porn star Stormy Daniels, who testified that she was paid $130,000 during Trump's 2016 campaign to keep quiet about an extramarital affair the two had years earlier. Trump denies having the affair.

The former president has also been indicted on criminal charges in Georgia, accused of trying to overturn his 2020 election loss to Biden in that state. He has also been charged in Washington, D.C., for activities surrounding the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. The Justice Department has also accused Trump of mishandling and withholding classified documents that were seized from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

The Post’s editorial board went on to describe Biden as “a good man” who “continues to build on the impressive accomplishments of a career dedicated to democracy and public welfare.” The editorial highlighted the president’s inflation-reducing law and his efforts to shift to alternative energy sources.

“We believe that those who call for Joe Biden’s replacement on the Democratic ticket are too preoccupied with the present,” the essay reads. “We expect great things from his second term. But his skeptics are so politically unrealistic that they threaten to give Donald Trump another term, even more disastrous than the last.”

“All efforts now must be aimed at boosting voter turnout among all who stand to benefit from Biden’s work, not killing enthusiasm through infighting that cannot produce a better result than the one Biden delivers to the nation every day,” the council concluded.

Newsweek emailed the Trump campaign on Wednesday seeking comment on the Post's editorial.

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