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Donald Trump says Biden is abandoning campaign trail, calls VP Kamala Harris 'pathetic' | US News


Donald Trump has claimed Joe Biden is quitting the presidential race after his poor performance in last week's debate and criticized Vice President Kamala Harris as “so bad.”

He made the comments in a clip on his Truth Social website that showed him speaking from a golf cart.

Mr Biden's performance against Trump has been widely criticised and has sparked growing concern about his health and some calls for him to withdraw from the November election – but he has insisted he will continue.

In the video, Trump tells an unidentified person: “He just dropped out, you know, he's dropping out of the race… and that means we have Kamala (Harris).

“I think she's going to get better,” he jokes. “She's so pathetic, she's so bad.”

“Can you imagine… dealing with Putin, the President of China – who is a fierce person, he is a fierce man, a very tough guy…

“They just announced that he (Biden) is probably going to resign,” Trump added.

It is unclear what his claims are based on, as Mr Biden, 81, said on Wednesday he would not be pushed out, telling supporters: “I'm not leaving. I'm in this race until the end.”

However, the president's poll numbers have fallen and US media reported that he told an ally that his performance next week was vital – a claim denied by the White House.

Image: Trump said Kamala Harris was 'pathetic' Photo: AP

On Tuesday, Mr. Biden said he nearly fell asleep during the televised debate because of a recent busy travel schedule.

But his halting performance, in which he gave garbled answers and spoke in a weak voice, reportedly caused panic within the Democratic Party and sparked speculation about whether he would try to replace him.

Questions about his mental acuity have intensified in recent months after he appeared frozen during several public appearances.

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2:43 Biden vs. Trump: Debate Highlights

Mr Biden's nomination to take on Trump is expected to be approved at the party's convention in August and the only realistic way to replace him would be for him to decide to resign himself.

If he were to resign, Kamala Harris would likely be a candidate – while California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer are also in the running.

The exact process of their selection is unclear.

So far, President Biden has publicly shown no signs of backing down, holding a virtual meeting with 24 governors on Wednesday to try to reassure them that he is up to the task.

Read more: Is the first lady advising Joe to stay in the race? Who is the California governor who could replace Biden?

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1:03 “I don’t walk as easily as I used to”

The governors of Maryland, Minnesota and New York told reporters they still supported him.

However, some Democrats have now stepped in and urged him to step down, including Arizona Rep. Raul Grijalva and Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton.

“The sad reality is that the status quo will likely give us President Trump,” Moulton said in a statement. “President Biden is not going to get any younger.”

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Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings, a major party donor, has also urged Mr. Biden to stop, and the pressure could become overwhelming if other major donors follow his lead.

All eyes are now on the president's performance in an interview with ABC News on Friday, which will be scrutinized for further blunders or apathy.




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