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Indian cricket players, coaches wear champions jersey with two stars to meet PM Narendra Modi; Sanju Samson shares photo


India's T20 World Cup winning cricketers wore a special 'Champions' jersey to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday. The jersey, orange and blue with 'Champions' written in the centre, was specially designed for the Indian team's meeting with Prime Minister Modi. It was the same jersey that the Indian team wore during the World Cup in the US and the Caribbean islands, the only differences being the 'Champions' on their chest and an additional star above the BCCI logo, denoting India's two T20 World Cup trophies.

Specially designed 'champions' jersey given to Indian cricketers for their meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Specially designed 'champions' jersey given to Indian cricketers for their meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Previously, India's T20I jersey had only one star for their victory in the inaugural edition in 2007. They added to that by winning their title after 17 years under the leadership of Rohit Sharma.

Indian wicketkeeper-batsman Sanju Samson, who could not play a match in the tournament but was part of the 15-member squad, shared the first glimpse of the special jersey on his social media account.

Special jersey of India's 'champions' designed for their meeting with PM Modi
Special jersey of India's 'champions' designed for their meeting with PM Modi

The players were seen leaving the ITC Maurya hotel wearing the same jersey to meet Prime Minister Modi.

It is to be noted that only cricketers, coaches and senior BCCI officials went to meet the Prime Minister while family members waited at the hotel.

The Rohit Sharma-led team landed in New Delhi in the early hours of Thursday after being stranded in the Caribbean islands since beating South Africa by seven runs in the final on June 29 (Saturday) in Barbados. The Indian players were unable to leave Barbados due to Hurricane Beryl, which forced a two-day lockdown on the island.

As soon as the airport became operational, the BCCI swung into action to arrange a special charter flight to bring home the 70-odd Indian contingent, comprising players, coaches, their families, board officials and sports journalists.

Hundreds of supporters, holding placards congratulating their favourites and waving the national flag, braved the elements to wait outside the airport for the victorious team, which beat South Africa by seven points in the final in Bridgetown last Saturday.

Heavy security was deployed to keep the crowd under control at the Indira Gandhi International Airport but that failed to deter fans who cheered enthusiastically while holding posters of star batter Virat Kohli, captain Rohit Sharma and outgoing head coach Rahul Dravid.

Two buses were parked outside the T3 terminal to ferry the players to the ITC Maurya Sheraton, where they were welcomed by traditional dhol and Bhangra dancers.

Most of them, including captain Rohit Sharma, all-rounder Hardik Pandya, Suryakumar Yadav and Rishabh Pant, shook hands with the assembled dancers, giving them an unforgettable memory.

Even the security staff on duty had smiles on their faces as the players relaxed after the long journey, shook hands with all who wished and moved into their rooms after cutting a cake dedicated to them.

All this took place amidst a media frenzy. Soon after, they left to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi at his residence, continuing with a busy schedule that awaits them throughout the day. Tired but excited, they greeted the fans waiting for them with waves and warm smiles.

Suryakumar, who took the sensational winning catch from David Miller in the final, was the most animated in responding to the cheers.

Pant, who made his return to international cricket at the recently concluded event after a life-threatening car accident, waved to the assembled crowd, while pacer Mohammed Siraj blew flying kisses in their direction.

Rohit and final player Kohli, both retired from T20Is at the end of India's campaign, were among the last to exit through the VIP exit.

Rohit lifted the coveted trophy for the fans to see before boarding the bus. Kohli, on his part, gave a thumbs up in appreciation for the support.

(With PTI inputs)




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