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Donald Trump caught in leaked video with Barron's giving his opinion on Joe Biden and predicting his successor


Former US President Donald Trump has been caught on camera saying he believes Vice President Kamal Harris will be the next Democratic nominee once President Joe Biden steps down.

Trump predicts Biden will 'drop out of race' in viral video (X/Collin Rugg)

He also delivered a scathing critique of Biden's performance in their recent presidential debate on CNN.

A viral X (formerly Twitter) shows Trump harshly describing Biden as a crumbling pile of shit and speculating that the president is about to drop out of the race.

He just dropped out, you know, he dropped out of the race, Trump says in the video, which shows him sitting in a golf cart with his recently graduated youngest son, Barron Trump.

I got him out of there and that means we have Kamala.

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Trump calls Biden an old piece of shit

The former president then asks the person behind the camera, “How was the debate the other night?” what they thought. When told he did a fantastic, incredible job, Trump continues, “Look at that old piece of crap in ruins. He’s a bad guy,” apparently referring to Biden. After saying Biden is resigning and handing over to Vice President Kamala Harris, Trump adds, “I think she’ll be a better opponent,” only to then denigrate her as so bad, so pathetic.

She's so bad. She's so pathetic. She's so bad, he said.

Trump then questions Biden's ability to deal with international leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping, whom he describes as fierce and tough.

Can you imagine? [Biden] “In his dealings with Putin and the president of China, who is a fierce person? He's a fierce man. A very tough guy,” Trump said while sitting in that golf cart.

Before leaving, he repeats: “But they just announced that he's probably going to quit. Keep knocking him out, huh?”

It is unclear exactly when and where the video was shot, but it was filmed after the CNN debate.

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Trump campaign responds to leaked video

Every Democrat calling on Crooked Joe Biden to resign was once a supporter of Biden and his failed policies that lead to extreme inflation, an open border, and chaos at home and abroad, Trump campaign spokesman Stephen Cheung told The Daily Beast when addressing the leaked viral video.

Make no mistake, the Democrats, the mainstream media, and the swamp have colluded to hide the truth from the American public: Joe Biden is weak, a failure, dishonest, and unworthy of the White House. Each of them has lied about Joe Biden’s cognitive state and supported his disastrous policies over the past four years, especially the sneering co-pilot Kamala Harris.

The statement concludes by saying that Trump will beat any Democrat on November 5 because he has a proven track record and is focused on making America great again.

White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre denied rumors that Biden might resign, telling reporters Wednesday that the president was not considering the possibility at all.




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