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How Boris Johnson won the 2019 UK national election


As the UK votes in one of its most consequential general elections, here’s a reminder of Boris Johnson’s Brexit-fuelled victory in 2019. Johnson’s gamble on a winter election reshaped British politics, setting the stage for today’s high-stakes vote
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The UK is voting in its general election today, amid speculation that it will see a change of government for the first time in 14 years. Many analysts believe it will be one of the most important elections in the country since the end of World War II. As the world’s sixth-largest economy votes for its next government, let’s look back at the 2019 parliamentary elections, which have been hailed as a landmark event since the war.

Former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson called the December 2019 election a referendum on a single issue: Brexit.

The question of the 2019 elections

General elections in the United Kingdom are usually held in the spring or early summer. But in the fall of 2019, Johnson, newly appointed party leader, gambled on holding the election on December 12, a time when most people just want to get ready for Christmas and would rather think about anything but politics.

For Johnson, desperate times called for desperate measures. The June 23, 2016 referendum on Brexit, narrowly won by supporters of leaving the European Union, triggered a chaotic period in politics.

Former Prime Minister David Cameron, who campaigned for Britain to remain in the EU, resigned immediately after his party's referendum defeat.

Her successor, Theresa May, tried in vain to find a Brexit formula that would be supported by a majority in Parliament. Everyone seemed to have a different idea of ​​the post-Brexit deal the UK should strike with the EU, and the original departure date of March 2019 was pushed back.

Parliament was in chaos and Johnson, who succeeded Theresa May, promised he would deliver Brexit.

Rivals in full mutation, Johnson provides clarification

With Labour's Brexit policy unclear and its left-wing leader Jeremy Corbyn deeply unpopular, Johnson's Conservatives won their biggest majority since 1987, under Margaret Thatcher. Labour recorded its worst election result in terms of seats since the 1930s.

Johnson prevailed largely because his message was clear, particularly in parts of the country that voted for Brexit but had voted Labour for decades. The United Kingdom left the European Union on January 31, 2020.

But the victory went badly for the winner

The celebrations were short-lived, however, as a deadly coronavirus pandemic soon spread across the globe.

Boris Johnson was forced to resign in the summer of 2022 after being accused of lying to parliament about parties held in his Downing Street office while flouting lockdown orders. His successor Liz Truss’s 49-day term was even more chaotic after she unveiled unfunded tax cuts that roiled financial markets and sent borrowing costs soaring for homeowners.

Rishi Sunak took over from Theresa May and has faced a dual legacy as his Conservative Party struggles to prevent Labour from returning to power in the UK.




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