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Delhi Belly Movie: How Vir Das's Star Imran Khan Became a Bold Experiment for Everyone Who Was a Part of It


Flashback Films | Delhi Belly: How Imran Khan's Vir Das lead role became a daring experiment for all involved (Image credit: IMDb)

The wonderfully titled film Delhi Belly chronicles the hilarious misadventures of three friends, Tashi (Imran Khan), Nitin (Kunaal Roy Kapoor) and Arup (Vir Das), who find themselves entangled with drug traffickers when packages belonging to each of them get mixed up. Written by Akshat Verma, this largely English-language dark comedy gave Indian audiences their own version of Hollywood films like Pineapple Express and Superbad. The film was a collaboration between several newcomers, introducing fresh talent to the industry and was a major turning point for its producers, Aamir Khan Productions and UTV. We explain why the film was such a bold experiment for those who made it and why it will be a long time before we see anything like it again.

Over the years, the comedy has become a cult hit, and the talents who have participated in it have had varied careers: Imran hasn’t acted in nearly a decade, while Vir has won an International Emmy Award for his stand-up. But in 2011, the actors were still finding their feet, and the Hinglish feature film was a big risk for its makers. Apart from Imran, there were no familiar faces in the film. And while there was a Hindi dubbed version, the film initially felt like it was being made for a niche market.

With an 'A' certificate, the makers had their work cut out for them. The film's humour is at times tongue-in-cheek, self-deprecating and hilarious. There are swear words and sex scenes, but never titillating, but it's all part of the story of the universe. And there's the crude humour, there's a reason the film is called Delhi Belly and it's not just because it's set in the capital. Interestingly, Nitin's diarrhoea is a major catalyst in the film that takes the three roommates on a wild ride across the city.

The New York Times wrote in its review of the film: “But it also shows, with insight and often gentleness, a broader slice of the lives of the young, the urban and the educated in India.” Most viewers loved the film, with its crude humor, while others were dismayed that Aamir Khan, who had previously produced Lagaan and Taare Zameen Par, both Oscar-nominated, had attached his name to the film. The producer supported the film wholeheartedly and even made a cameo appearance that mocked the images of stars with the cheeky song I Hate You (Like I Love You) composed by Ram Sampath. Another track, Jaa Chudail, was a hilarious farewell to the daily soaps that most Indian audiences are addicted to, while the double entendre Bhaag D. K. Bose, written by Amitabh Bhattacharya, was an instant hit.

Aamir Khan's special appearance in Delhi Belly

Apart from the lead trio of Imran, Kunaal and Vir, who come to each other's aid easily as friends who help each other when the going gets tough, Delhi Belly also has some good supporting actors. There's Never Have I Ever's Poorna Jagannathan as Menaka, Tashi's colleague, Shenaz Treasury as Sonia, Tashi's girlfriend who creates havoc, Vijay Raaz as the drug lord and Paresh Ganatra as Nitin's landlord whom he blackmails. They all brought credibility to the crazy happenings on screen.

Delhi Belly broke the mould of adult comedies in Bollywood when it released. It was hailed for its bold screenplay by Verma and Deo's precise direction that ensured that the film never felt over the top. The casting, the dialogues, the music, everything stood the test of time. It was later remade in Tamil with the film Settai in 2013. Other English films have released in India since then, like Ship of Theseus and Death in the Gunj. But none have captured the hearts of audiences like Delhi Belly and with Hindi films being so scrutinised and censored today, it would be difficult for the film to release today.




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