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Is the election decided? These are five things with p.


The attacks on Labour continued until the end, even though everyone thought the election was lost for the Conservatives. The latest episode concerned Keir Starmer's family time.

The short version

Suddenly he reappeared. Boris Johnson has been keeping a low profile after being forced to leave the Prime Minister's residence and Parliament. Conservatives are wondering whether he will be a plus or a minus.

Fears that Labour will have far too many in Thursday's election mean the Conservatives are pulling out all the stops. Just hours before Britons were due to go to the polls, Johnson was on stage.

Johnson issued stark warnings about the consequences of a Labour victory, including on the KT tax. And he said Nigel Farage and the Reform Party were cowering before the Kremlin.

Johnson also launched an attack on the affair, which Labour leader Keir Starmer said showed how desperate the Conservatives were. They accused Starmer of wanting to become part-time prime minister because he had said he prioritised Friday nights with his family. As Starmer’s wife is Jewish, the family often gathers at the start of the Sabbath.

There are several reasons why these attacks occur:

1. Majority majority?

Labour is so far ahead in the opinion polls, which means the Conservatives have changed tack. The Conservatives are now not talking primarily about the fear of a Labour victory. They are talking about the fear of Labour winning a supermajority. Supermajority is not really a term, according to experts. You either have a majority or you don't. But the warning is that Labour is becoming too powerful and has no practical opposition.

Iflge The Guardian exaggerate In fact, Labour Secretary Mel Stride spoke on Wednesday morning about the likely scale of Labour's victory.

What matters now is what kind of opposition we get and the opportunity Parliament has to scrutinise the government, Stride said.

2. Too boring?

This is considered a search to avoid Conservative partyConservative partyThe Conservative Party is called the Tories. is completely wiped out. Or, as Labour leader Keir Starmer believes, the Conservatives are trying to get people to vote less because they think the election is decided in advance. Even if all indications are that there will be a change of government, turnout could have an impact on the size of Labour's advantage. And opinion polls can be wrong.

Keir Starmer has been accused of working too little because he said he was prioritising Friday nights with his family. A desperate move, Starmer says.

3. Will Farage succeed?

Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage has had a huge influence on British politics, but has never sat in Parliament. He is now in his tenth quest as leader of the British Reform Party. During the election campaign, several of the party's candidates made racist remarks. One candidate is leaving the party because she thinks this is the case racist, misogynistic and intolerant. But the party has been making progress in the polls. This is a problem for the Conservatives, because it is mainly their voters that the Reform Party is stealing.

4. What about Scotland?

There is much more excitement about the Scottish election than in England. In the past, Scotland was traditionally a Labour country. But then came the Scottish National Party (SNP) and dominated that part of the British yen. New Labour is hoping to win Scotland back. But the two parties are tied in opinion polls, according to the latest vote.

Can Rishi Sunak survive an election defeat? Many are wondering if he can continue to lead the Conservative Party.

5. When does the settlement begin?

The power struggle within the Conservative Party has been going on for a long time. If the election defeat goes as expected, many expect Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to be in a precarious position at the helm of the Conservative Party. Former Justice Secretary Suella Braverman, who was sacked from the Sunak government, took the loss in advance in an article in The Daily Telegraph Wednesday. There she says: It's over, we have failed. And believes that the party must find its soul on the rental side with a stricter immigration policy and lower taxes. A violent internal confrontation is now expected over the direction the Conservative party takes.

Bellingham Barely New

Can Boris Bellingham turn things around at the last minute? Spr Times commentator after Boris Johnson's performance on Tuesday night. Footballer Jude Bellingham saved the England national football team in the EC match against Slovakia. The commentator doubts Johnson will be able to secure a last-minute Conservative victory.




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