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Donald Trump caught on camera calling Biden a piece of s–t


Donald Trump has said he is now competing with Kamala Harris in the US presidential race, calling Joe Biden a pile of s–t in an insult-filled speech on a golf course.

The remarks, captured on video, are another indication that Republicans are preparing for the vice president to replace Mr. Biden after his disastrous debate performance.

In the video, Trump, 78, can be seen sitting in the driver's seat of a golf cart alongside his 18-year-old son, Barron, as he asks people nearby what they thought of the debate.

The former president has remained largely silent since the debate, preferring to let the media focus on the internal drama within Mr. Biden's party.

But he broke his silence on the golf course, boasting: I kicked that old piece of s–t out, he's such a bad guy, before falsely claiming: He [Biden] Stop, you know he's dropping out of the race… I got him out.

And that means we have Kamala, Trump continued. I think she's going to get better, she's so bad, she's so pathetic.

She is so bad.

The video, which appears to have been recorded in secret, follows reports that Mr Biden, 81, was considering dropping out of the presidential race.

Trump shared a video on a social media platform

The reporter who obtained the video for the Daily Beast website said it was not distributed by the Trump campaign.

However, after the story broke, the former president himself posted the video on his Truth Social platform. He captioned the video, in which he is seen handing money to a golf course employee: No tip tax!

Eliminating taxes on restaurant tips is one of his campaign promises.

Democrats immediately saw his use of foul language as a new low for Trump.

The American people have already experienced difficult times under Donald Trump, we can read in a statement from the Biden-Harris team.

They have seen time and time again his disrespect for women, his disdain for black Americans, and his complete disregard for our democracy and democratic norms.

Today, Donald Trump, while golfing and avoiding the campaign trail, hit rock bottom: He was caught on camera saying that Vice President Harris, who made history as the first black woman and the first Asian-American woman elected to the office, is pathetic and so evil.

Republicans have launched attacks on Kamala Harris in recent days amid rumors she could replace Joe Biden – AP

Trump has frequently used words such as “c–p,” “ass” and “hell” in his speeches and campaign appearances, in what strategists see as an attempt to appeal to ordinary voters.

Secretly recorded footage, however, revealed that his private language was far more offensive. In 2016, a famous on-mic moment surfaced in which he said he grabbed women by the pussy.

Sarafina Chitika, a spokeswoman for the Biden-Harris campaign, listed 21 reasons on social media claiming Mr. Trump was the bad one.

Her list ranged from suppressing women's rights and assaulting them, to bankrupting and criminally indicting the former president, to not paying taxes, asking people to inject themselves with bleach and constant lying.

She added: What's bad is your golf game.

Republicans launch ads attacking Kamala Harris

The release of Trump's video comes as Republicans launch a campaign attacking the vice president, who appears in polls and betting markets as the favorite to replace Mr Biden as the Democratic nominee.

Ms Harris also received support Wednesday from influential Democrats, including South Carolina Congressman Jim Clyburn, who said he would support her if Mr Biden stepped down.

In an ad released this week, Republicans mock Harris and question her credentials. One ad reads: “Next November: Vote Republican. Stop Kamala.”

Another ad relentlessly mocks Ms. Harris's uncatchy slogan: “What will be, without being weighed down by what has been.”

On Thursday, Trump described the vice president as Laffin Kamala Harris, an allusion to viral social media clips showing her laughing during campaign speeches.

Ms Harris has publicly expressed loyalty only to Mr Biden.

After having lunch with the president on Wednesday, she told CBS News: “Look, Joe Biden is our nominee. We beat Trump once, and we're going to beat him again, period.”

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