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In India, Narendra Modi continues his authoritarian policy despite harsh criticism from his political family


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Presidential Palace, New Delhi, June 22, 2024.

Is the post-Modi era upon us since the Indian Prime Minister’s narrow victory in the June 4 legislative elections? The 73-year-old strongman of India, who has been accustomed to a solitary and authoritarian exercise of power for ten years, was re-elected to office after a hateful and Islamophobic campaign, but he is weakened. The myth of his invincibility has fallen.

His longevity at the head of the country now rests on two regional partners, Nitish Kumar and Chandrababu Naidu, with whom he was forced to ally himself to obtain a majority in Parliament. The two elected representatives from the states of Bihar and Andhra Pradesh are known to change sides and turncoats according to their own interests. They hold in their hands the fate of the Modi3.0 government, as the Indian media has dubbed it.

The danger for the Prime Minister could also come from his own political family, the RSS, the National Volunteer Association, which he joined 8 years ago. The bridgehead of the great Hindu nationalist nebula of which Narendra Modi's party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has been the political showcase since 1980, this extreme right-wing organisation created in 1925 is today threatening to crack.

A serious warning

The day after the parliamentary elections, a usually discreet voice made itself heard, sounding like a serious warning: Mohan Bhagwat, the very influential head of the RSS, in a few words castigated the strategy of the candidate Modi.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers The political grip of Hindu nationalism

Addressing workers (sevak) Nagpur (central part of the country), the headquarters of the RSS, Mohan Bhagwat vilified a campaign marked by arrogance as well as by the lack of decorum and dignity. He didn't mention a name, but everyone recognized his target: the prime minister. Only a leader without ego has the right to be called sevakThe RSS chief, who has been silent during the campaign, is probably worried that the BJP's lack of a majority will put a brake on the Hindu nationalists' plans to transform India into a Hindu state.

Several leaders of the far-right organisation have taken up the theme of arrogance in the BJP's campaign. OrganizerIn a publication of the RSS, Ratan Sharda, one of the leaders of the movement, believes that The results of the 2024 general elections have brought the reality back to mind workers [travailleurs] of the BJP and many overconfident leaders () As they were happy in their bubble, enjoying Modi's aura, they did not listen to the voices of the streetThe signatory deplores that the workers have been driven, replaced by seasoned experts in new technologies, familiar with social networks.

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