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Erdogan to attend Euro 2024 match in Berlin as diplomatic row escalates


Berlin. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will be in Germany for his country's Euro 2024 quarter-final on Saturday, the presidency told AFP, as Ankara and Berlin traded criticism over a Turkish footballer's celebratory gesture.

Germany summoned Turkey's ambassador to Berlin on Thursday morning, amid a diplomatic row that erupted after Turkish footballer Merih Demiral made an allegedly ultra-nationalist hand signal during his team's win over Austria.

In a tweet announcing the decision, the German Foreign Ministry said that “as host of Euro 2024, we want sport to bring people together.”

The day before, Turkey had summoned the German ambassador to Ankara.

After scoring his second goal in Turkey's 2-1 win over Austria on Tuesday, Demiral made a gesture associated with Turkey's ultra-nationalist Grey Wolves group.

His action prompted UEFA to launch an investigation into “inappropriate behaviour” and drew condemnation from German officials, but Ankara immediately labelled Berlin's reaction as “xenophobia”.

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser warned that “symbols of Turkish right-wing extremists have no place in our stadiums” and said that “using the European Football Championship as a platform for racism is completely unacceptable.”

Although Erdogan himself has yet to comment directly on the controversy, several ministers and the spokesman for his ruling AKP party have condemned Faeser's reaction.

Accusing German authorities of “xenophobia,” the Turkish Foreign Ministry pointed out that German domestic intelligence had stressed in its report that “any person making the sign of the grey wolf cannot be described as a far-right extremist.”

“We condemn politically motivated reactions to the use of a historical and cultural symbol in a way that targets no one during the celebration of a sporting event,” he added.

The Grey Wolves are considered the militant wing of the Turkish Movement for Action Party (MHP) and have been banned in France and Austria, but not in Germany.

The group advocated radical ideas and used violence in the 1980s against left-wing activists and ethnic minorities.

Speaking after the game in Leipzig, Demiral said there was no “hidden message” in his celebration.

“The way I celebrated my goal had something to do with my Turkish identity,” said Demiral, who was named man of the match after scoring both of Turkey's goals.

“We are all Turks, I am very proud to be Turkish and that is the meaning of this gesture.”

The defender said he saw Turkish fans in the stands saluting.

“I just wanted to show how happy and proud I am,” Demiral said, adding that he hoped there would be “even more opportunities to show this gesture.”

Germany is home to the largest Turkish diaspora abroad, and Turkey's quarter-final against the Netherlands at the Olympiastadion will be closely watched by the Berlin community.

Relations between the two countries have always been difficult, with Berlin criticising Erdogan's crackdown on domestic dissent while acknowledging the need to enlist the support of regional power Turkey to tackle thorny issues.




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