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9 in 10 Voters Say There Are Important Differences Between Biden and Trump. Here Are the Most Important Ones According to Them



If there’s one thing American voters overwhelmingly agree on, it’s that this year’s presidential election presents a tough choice. In the latest CNN poll conducted by SSRS, 91% of registered voters say they see significant differences between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, eclipsing even the 77% of voters who said last fall that there were significant divides between the Democratic and Republican parties. Even among so-called “double haters,” those who have an unfavorable opinion of Biden and Trump, only 20% say the two candidates are about the same.

To get a broader sense of how voters view the issues at stake in the election, CNN asked voters to name the most important difference they saw between the two candidates. As the results show, the contrasts that stick most in voters’ minds aren’t about policy issues at all. While some voters cited the issues that often top the list of voters this year when asked to choose their most important issues — the economy, immigration or commitment to democracy — others focused more on character and personal traits, with honesty, ability to handle the job and perceived motivations among the traits most cited as differentiators.

Among those who saw significant differences between Biden and Trump, the most frequently mentioned distinctions were honesty and integrity (17%), ability to handle the job or mental fitness (15%), love of country or patriotism (10%), perceived selfish or egotistical motivations (10%), and effectiveness or performance in office (8%). Another 8% mentioned protecting democracy or the Constitution, 7% mentioned immigration, and 6% mentioned the economy. Voters’ responses to the questions often spanned multiple topics, and a sizeable share offered vaguer responses, with some simply noting that each candidate’s beliefs or policies were different.

Supporters of each candidate gave very different interpretations of the race. Voters who backed Biden in a head-to-head matchup with Trump often drew the distinction in terms of character. Among those who saw significant differences between the candidates, 31% cited honesty or integrity, with about 18% citing selfish or self-interested motivations, usually on Trump’s part, and 15% mentioned Trump’s criminal conviction or the other charges the former president is currently facing.

“Trump is a low-life scoundrel who only cares about himself; I think Biden genuinely cares about the American people,” wrote one Biden supporter who responded to the poll, a 70-year-old voter from South Carolina.

Another Biden supporter, a Florida voter in her 20s, wrote: “One of them is a convicted felon. If I would never date a felon, why would I vote for a felon for president?”[?]

Polls this year, including this one, have consistently found that concerns about democracy were a top election issue for Biden supporters. Many also see support for democracy as the deciding factor between him and Trump: 16% of Biden supporters who see differences between the two candidates cited democracy and the Constitution as the most significant difference. Others expressed concerns about fascism or said they viewed Trump as particularly dangerous to the country.

Biden supports and defends our Constitution, democracy and rule of law, while Trump is actively working to undermine and destroy our Constitution, democracy and rule of law, wrote a septuagenarian Californian. Trump wants to remove all checks on his power so that he has absolute and unchecked power to do whatever he wants to whomever he wants.

Trump supporters, by contrast, most often characterized the contrast between the two candidates as a matter of mental fitness or ability to handle the job, topics mentioned by about 24% of those who saw significant differences between Trump and Biden.

“Joe Biden is the first president in my lifetime who is mentally unfit to be our president,” wrote a septuagenarian Texan who said he had committed to supporting Trump this fall. “In my opinion, he has no chance of becoming president.” [idea] about what is happening in this country and is not able to make an informed decision regarding the best interests of the United States.

Another 15 percent cited love of country, patriotism or a sense of “America first,” while 11 percent mentioned effectiveness or performance in office.

Trump understood that the people of this country, the United States, needed help and he did everything he could to help them, wrote a Trump supporter in her 30s from Connecticut. At first I didn't like Trump, but once we got Joe, we just suffered.

About 11% of Trump supporters who saw differences between the two candidates mentioned the economy or immigration, respectively. Those two issues consistently top Trump supporters’ lists when asked to choose the election issues they consider most important.

Below [T]“My gas and groceries were cheaper,” wrote a New York woman in her 20s. “Under Biden, I can’t afford to live.”

Some voters described the contrast between Biden and Trump in terms that were not very flattering to either candidate.

“They are both awful, but in very different ways,” wrote a New Mexican in his 30s who said he planned to support independent candidate Cornel West. “Biden should be forced into retirement and Trump should be put in prison.”

Some voters were equally derogatory, even if they had chosen to support one of the major party candidates.

Biden is a senile old man and a fool. Trump is a boor, but he has a clear mind, responded a septuagenarian from Virginia, who said he supported Trump mainly to oppose Biden.

And a Californian in his 20s who said he supported Biden primarily because of an anti-Trump vote wrote: “One is a consistent liar, the other is an inconsistent truth teller.”




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