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Chandrababu Naidu meets PM Modi, seeks more central aid for Andhra Pradesh | Politics News


Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi on Thursday and sought increased central assistance for the southern state, especially for reconstruction of the state capital Amaravati, Polavaram irrigation project and development of backward areas in the state, with a Bundelkhand-type package.

The Andhra chief minister, who is on a two-day visit to the national capital, his first since taking office on June 12, described his discussions with the prime minister as constructive. Naidu also sought central support for the state's finances in the short term, incentives for industrial development and additional allocation under the Special Assistance to States Scheme for capital investments, targeting critical sectors such as roads, bridges, irrigation and drinking water projects.

In his meeting with Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Hardeep Singh Puri, Naidu asked BPCL to set up a refinery in Andhra as per Section 93(4) of the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act, 2014. The Andhra CM said an announcement on setting up a refinery in the state in Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman's budget speech would augur well for augmenting the country's refining capacity in its journey towards achieving the Viksit Bharat goal by 2047.

According to a statement from the Andhra government, Naidu has placed his faith in the leadership of the Prime Minister. He said the people of Andhra Pradesh have reposed their trust in the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) and have given both leaders a strong mandate to deliver on their promises and commitments.

Naidu told the Prime Minister that Andhra continues to face the repercussions of the unscientific, unjust and inequitable bifurcation of 2014.

Sources in the Naidus Telugu Desam Party (TDP) sought to stress that their leader spent the last three weeks assessing the financial situation of the state before travelling to the national capital.

Naidu informed the Prime Minister that Andhra's growth has fallen, tax revenues have declined and liabilities have peaked due to unproductive expenditure and fiscal hara-kiri, marked by exploitation of natural resources for personal gain and lack of focus on human resource development, of the YSR Congress Party regime, such as the Polavaram project and construction of Amaravati.

The Chief Minister explained to the Prime Minister that Andhra Pradesh is severely constrained by lack of financial resources. “The expenditure incurred, including salaries, pensions and debt servicing, exceeds the revenue of the State, leaving no fiscal space for productive investments,” Mr Naidu told the Prime Minister, according to the official statement.

Naidu said the previous government had resorted to reckless borrowing, characterised by mortgaging future tax revenues and pledging government buildings, coupled with large-scale misappropriation of funds, which had led to a situation of high public expectation and acute shortage of resources. “There is no other way to meet such a challenge than to avail financial assistance from the central government,” Naidu told the prime minister.

Besides his visit to the Prime Minister, the Andhra CM met 16th Finance Commission Chairman Arvind Panagariya and half a dozen Union ministers, Home Minister Amit Shah, Road Transport and Highways Minister Nitin Gadkari, Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal and Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan among others.

On Wednesday, on the eve of his visit to New Delhi, Naidu released a white paper on Amaravati, the second of seven that his government plans to release. He had earlier released a white paper on the Polavaram project.

The Naidu-led TDP has 16 MPs in the Lok Sabha, making it the second largest party in the NDA, making it a crucial part of the coalition government at the Centre.

The chief minister, who is scheduled to conclude his two-day visit on Friday, is scheduled to meet neighbouring Telangana chief minister Revanth Reddy on Saturday. In a letter to Reddy last month, Naidu had proposed the meeting to resolve pending issues between the two states. In his reply, Reddy agreed that it was imperative to resolve all pending issues.

The Telangana chief minister, who led the Congress to victory in the December 2023 assembly elections, was earlier a member of the TDP and worked as a legislator under Naidu in united Andhra Pradesh and later in Telangana as well. He left the TDP to join the Congress in 2017.

CM Wish List

Maintaining state finances in the short term

Centre's support to Polavaram irrigation project

Financial support to Amaravati Government Complex

Incentives for industrial development

Additional allocation under the Special Assistance to States Programme for infrastructure investment expenditures

Support to underprivileged areas of Andhra on the lines of Bundelkhand programme

Dugarajapatnam Port Assistance

First published: July 4, 2024 | 9:37 p.m. EAST




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