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Biden says he made a mistake but vows to keep going as polls show Trump with six-point lead | Joe Biden


Joe Biden said on a radio show that he made a mistake in last week's debate against Donald Trump, but vowed to stay in the race for re-election, even though a series of polls now show him about six points behind the former president.

In two interviews conducted Wednesday and aired Thursday on local radio stations in the key states of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, where he will also hold events this weekend, the president urged voters to judge him on his time in the White House.

“I had a bad night,” Biden told Milwaukee radio host Earl Ingram. “And the fact is, I made a mistake. I made a mistake. I’ve been on stage for 90 minutes looking back at what I’ve done in three and a half years.”

In front of Ingram's mostly Black audience, Biden highlighted the accomplishments of his presidency that have increased representation.

“I chose a Black woman to be vice president. I appointed the first Black woman to the Supreme Court,” Biden said. “I appointed more Black justices, more Black women to the Supreme Court, than all the other presidents in American history combined.”

Biden also attacked Trump for comments the former president made about black workers during their televised debate a week ago, when Trump said migrant workers could fill as many as 20 million black jobs.

He's done terrible things in the community, and he has as much interest and concern for black and minority communities as the man on the moon, Biden said.

The interviews are part of a series of public appearances over the coming days that the president himself reportedly told a key ally were critical to whether he could successfully make his reelection case to the public, after a debate in which he appeared at times to lose his train of thought or black out altogether.

Although he won continued support from Democratic governors at a meeting Wednesday night, the New York Times also cited two people present at that meeting who said Biden admitted to governors that he was feeling the effects of fatigue, needed to work less and sleep more, and aimed to reduce the number of engagements he had after 8 p.m. Hawaii Gov. Josh Green reportedly asked Biden about his health. “It’s just my brain,” Biden said, in what some interpreted as a joke but at least one person found odd.

In addition to the rallies in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, Biden will also give another interview Friday to ABC News and then to Good Morning America over the weekend.

Excerpts of the ABC interview were originally scheduled to air Friday night in the news slot, with the full interview in two parts Sunday and Monday, but the network announced Thursday it would now air the interview in full on Friday.

On Thursday, the White House told CNN that Biden was examined by his doctor after the debate, during which he reportedly had a cold. That statement appeared to contradict spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre's assertion the day before that Biden had not undergone any medical examinations since his February physical.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates told CNN that the president was seen to check for a cold and is recovering well.

A growing number of post-debate opinion polls suggest that his troubling performance, including his failure to successfully counter Trump's unchecked stream of lies, hurt Biden with voters.

According to a Wall Street Journal poll released Thursday, Trump opened up a six-point lead nationally, 48 percent to 42 percent, with 80 percent of respondents saying the president is too old to run for a second term, a seven-point increase since February.

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The survey also found that Biden is viewed favorably by 34% of voters, and unfavorably by 63%. Less than 40% approve of his handling of the economy, immigration or his term in office in general.

Another poll, conducted by The New York Times/Siena and released Wednesday, also showed Trump with a six-point lead, up from three a week earlier. Among registered voters, Trump had an eight-point lead.

According to a Journal poll, a third of respondents, including 31% of independents — a key bloc of American voters on whom the election could swing — said the debate made them more likely to vote for Trump, while just 10% said they would vote for Biden.

A similar percentage of Democrats and Republicans (about three-quarters) said they considered Biden too old to run. Two-thirds of Democrats said they would replace Biden with another candidate.

At the same time, a July 4 campaign message from the president also attacked the Supreme Court's recent ruling that presidents are immune from criminal prosecution for acts deemed official, saying it paved the way for the presidency to become a de facto monarchy.

“Our nation fought a war founded on the revolutionary idea that ordinary people should govern themselves,” Biden said in the message, citing the U.S. constitutional principle that we will swear fealty to no king and that all are equal before the law, a founding principle that Biden said the court’s conservatives have ruled presidents are free to violate.

Speculation is growing about whether other Democratic lawmakers will call on Biden to step down: Only two members of Congress have done so so far. Potential candidates for reelection, including Kamala Harris, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and California Gov. Gavin Newsom, have strongly expressed their support for Biden’s reelection.

In a phone call Wednesday to members of his campaign, he reportedly said, “I am the nominee of the Democratic Party. Nobody is pushing me out. I am not leaving.” In a fundraising email after the call, Biden said, “Let me say this as clearly and simply as I can: I am running.”

Trump had a lead of about two points in polls earlier in the year, though his lead appeared to be narrowing and the candidates appeared to be neck and neck heading into the debate.




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