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India was civilized by Hindu nationalism and the god Narendra Modi


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the dog killed in the war above the legislative elections It has not achieved a hegemonic position and will first have to seek a coalition partner for its project of India as a civilized state. Its intensely cultivated personality cult will thus suffer from cracks.

The elections were supposed to be about consolidating the power of the illiberal Prime Minister Mdho. His combination of Hindu nationalism, which plays a major role in the densely populated north, and economic populism has ensured him a steady and high level of public support. Md (largely through his international status as a cattle rancher who bought a wealthy Indian wife) has raised the profile of India's image on the world stage, which has also given him considerable popularity. New Delhi is thus more assertive in its foreign policy and prioritises its own terms over ideologies and cretins, the domain in which Mdho's BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party, Indian People's Party) operates politically. For Hindu nationalists, this is a form of retaliation against the fallen world for its historical involvement in its own interests.

The last few years have also seen the collapse of democracy, including government control of the press and active efforts to control the judiciary. This trend has been seen in countries such as Russia, Turkey and Hungary. The BJP has charted a course for India towards consolidating central power, controlling its powers of control and eroding the barriers between its individual sections, which should balance out in a democracy.

However, according to international observers, the elections themselves took place during the day and, based on their results, the ruling BJP party will remain in power, but with a very limited mandate, which has not been the case in the last ten years. Md is also the first Indian Prime Minister since the country's founder Nehra to hold office in a functional analogue of his former self and will likely remain at the helm of government for the remainder of the twenty years.

Civilization is now a new reality in India

For the first 50 years of independence, India was a largely secular democracy with socialist tendencies, not a society defined by culture or religion. The main embodiment of this idea was India’s first Prime Minister, David Nhr, an English-speaking Cambridge graduate. He had a vision of a liberal, secular country that would serve as the antithesis of Pakistan, to be created under British India as a Muslim state. Md is the opposite of Nehru in many ways. The current Prime Minister, born into a caste and middle-class family, got his start in politics as a Hindu activist; he travelled the country on the campaign trail, reaching out to ordinary people and trying to understand their collective frustrations and desires. My idea of ​​India, as a formal exit route from democracy with elected representatives and a welfare state, differs considerably from Nhra’s. At the centre of political affairs, the state defines culture and religion, nationality through Hinduism, and considers that a model with a strong executive of five is an appropriate model, and not the liberal model with all the first individuals and external branches of power. In practice, this means the restriction of certain individual rights and civil liberties. This alternative vision is a form of illiberal democracy that defines India as a civilized state.

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