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Kremlin announces that Indian President Modi will visit Russia on July 8-9 and hold talks with Putin


MOSCOW — The Kremlin announced Thursday that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Russia on July 8-9 and hold talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The visit was announced last month by Russian officials, but the dates were not previously disclosed.

Russia maintains close ties with India Since the Cold War, New Delhi's importance as a key trading partner for Moscow has grown since the Kremlin sent troops to Ukraine in February 2022. China and India have become key buyers of Russian oil following sanctions imposed by the United States and its allies that closed most Western markets to Russian exports.

Under Modi's leadership, India avoided condemnation Russia's actions in Ukraine underscore the need for a peaceful settlement.

The partnership between Moscow and New Delhi, however, has become strained since Russia began developing closer ties with India's main rival, China, over hostilities in Ukraine.

Modi missed the summit on Thursday by a security group created by Moscow and Beijing to counter Western alliances.

Modi has sent his foreign minister to Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, to attend the annual meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping are participating.

Indian media speculated that the newly re-elected Modi was busy with last week's parliamentary session.

Modi’s last visit to Russia was in 2019, for an economic forum in the far eastern port of Vladivostok. His last trip to Moscow was in 2015. Putin last met Modi in September 2022, at an SCO summit in Uzbekistan. In 2021, Putin also visited New Delhi and held talks with the Indian leader.

Tensions between Beijing and New Delhi have continued since confrontation in June 2020 Fighting broke out along the disputed border between China and India, with rival troops battling each other with stones, batons and fists. At least 20 Indian soldiers and four Chinese soldiers were killed.

After his re-election for a third consecutive term. Modi attended the G7 meeting in the Italian region of Puglia last month and discussed artificial intelligence, energy and regional issues in Africa and the Mediterranean.

By the early 1990s, the Soviet Union was the source of about 70% of the Indian Army's weapons, 80% of its air force systems and 85% of its naval platforms.

India bought its first aircraft carrierINS Vikramaditya, from Russia in 2004. He had served in the former Soviet Union and later in the Russian Navy.

With the Russian supply line hit by the fighting in Ukraine, India has reduced its reliance on Russian weapons and diversified its defense arms purchases, buying more from the United States, Israel, France and Italy.


Sharma reported from New Delhi.




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