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Prime Minister Modi acknowledged that Manipur was a first step, but his visit to the state must be the next step


This belated awareness must be seen as a necessary first step only.

The initiatives highlighted in President Murmu's message, reiterated by Prime Minister Modi in his Rajya Sabha address, include:

  • The revocation of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 (AFSPA) in a large part of Northeast India, including 19 police station areas in the Manipur Valley districts

  • Signing of peace agreements with armed groups

  • Improving connectivity and infrastructure and making the Northeast the engine of development and the bridgehead to Southeast Asia

The creation of a 'buffer zone', implemented after Amit Shah's visit to Manipur in May 2023, and the massive deployment of over 60,000 central paramilitary personnel have helped secure the villages in the Kuki-Zomi-Hmar foothills from incessant attacks by Arambai Tenggol, a controversial Meitei nationalist group, and other radicalised groups.

Yet for over a year, they have failed to contain the spread of violence across the state. Over 200 villages and 360 churches belonging to the Kuki-Zomi-Hmar have been burned, 220 people (including 186 Kuki-Zomi-Hmar) have been killed and 60,000 people (including over 41,000 Kuki-Zomi-Hmars) have been internally displaced.

The Modi-led NDA government must understand that unless this problematic division of security labour between the Centre and the state is resolved by allowing the Centre to take direct control of law and order, the prospect of peace and stability will remain elusive.

This is despite the fact that Manipur's Chief Minister Biren Singh, who is in charge of Home Affairs, has failed to restore law and order for over a year.

The security vacuum and the revocation of AFSPA in 19 police stations in the valley districts have also led to fertile ground for the mass mobilisation of radicalised armed groups like the Arambai Tenggol.

The reported massive military training, along with other banned armed groups like the Kanglei Yawol Kanna Lup and the United National Liberation Front with an avowed secessionist agenda, have compounded the security dilemma in the state with far-reaching implications for India's national security.

The counter-armed mobilization of the volunteers defending the village of Kuki-Zomi-Hmar and their armed groups, which fall under the Suspension of Operations Agreement, does not bode well for peace and stability.

The persistent ethnic security dilemma across the dividing line threatens to blight the future of a generation of young people, as they are forced to spend most of their time on the “front lines” protecting their villages from transgressions and attacks across the “buffer zone.”




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