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Putin and Xi Jinping meet at Astana summit


Juan Peas

Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping gathered their key allies at the international summit in Astana, where the annual meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is taking place. The group of countries led by China and Russia and including former socialist republics, as well as India, Pakistan and Iran, was created to act as a regional counterweight to Western alliances.

At the summit, regional security was one of Putin's priorities. The Russian president stressed the group's interest in ensuring the security of its members. For this reason, he presented a coordination plan to address different security challenges. He added that the group would adopt a special program to combat separatism and extremism.

In his public speeches, Putin has reiterated that the war in Ukraine could end, or at least result in a truce, if Zelensky's administration accepts his terms. Last month, the Russian president proposed a ceasefire with very unfavorable conditions for Ukraine. These included the withdrawal of Ukrainian forces from regions occupied by Russian troops since 2014 and annexed by Russia in 2022. Ukraine rejected the proposal.

Putin addresses Trump

In Astana, Putin also said he supported the Republican presidential candidate. Donald Trump's comments on peace in Ukraine are “very serious.” During his campaign, Trump claimed he could negotiate a ceasefire “within 24 hours,” in contrast to Biden's approach.

“Mr. Trump says, as a presidential candidate, that he is ready and wants to stop the war in Ukraine, we take this very seriously,” Putin said at the summit.

“Obviously, I don't know the possible proposals on how [Trump] “He wants to do it. And that is of course a key issue. But I have no doubt that he means it sincerely. And we support him,” he continued.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping joined him and said the organization must fight against the “cold war mentality”and also called for strengthening the group's security interests.

India, a full member of the organisation, sent its foreign minister. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was not presentciting a busy agenda due to India's first parliamentary session after the elections.

Russia is not alone

For Vladimir Putin's regime, the annual Astana summit is an opportunity to send a counter-message to the West's efforts to isolate Russia. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Western governments,led by the United States and the European Unionhave used sanctions as their main tool against Russia, as well as against those who engage in the Kremlin's war economy.

Throughout the summit, delegations from the invited countries held meetings among themselves. One of the most significant meetings took place betweenRussia and Iranwho were represented by their interim president following the recent death of Ebrahim Raisi in a plane crash.




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