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Xi Jinping and Putin outline ambitions for Eurasian Security Club


TEMPO.CO, Jakarta, Astana – The Chinese President Xi Jinping urged members of a regional security club on Thursday, July 4, to resist any outside interference, while President Vladimir Putin Poutine was to speak about creating a new Eurasian security system at the group's annual meeting.

Putin and Xi expanded the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a club founded in 2001 with Russia, China and Central Asian countries, to include India, Iran and Pakistan as a counterweight to the West.

The group also represents key new customers for Russian commodities, including oil and gas, as Western economic sanctions imposed over the conflict in Ukraine have forced Moscow to turn to Asia.

“In the face of real risks from small construction sites with high fences, we must safeguard the right to development,” Xi was quoted as saying by Chinese state television CCTV at a meeting in the Kazakh capital Astana.

The bloc should resolve “internal differences” through peace, seek common ground and resolve difficulties in cooperation, Xi added.

The main meeting was held behind closed doors, but Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov was quoted by the RIA news agency as saying on Thursday that Putin would discuss with the group his idea of ​​creating a new set of Eurasian collective security treaties.

Putin said last month that a new regional security system was needed and should be open to all countries on the continent, including NATO members, but that its goal should be to gradually remove any external military presence from Eurasia, a clear reference to the United States.

In a part of his speech published by the Kremlin, Putin also welcomed the growing use of national currencies – instead of the dollar – in trade between SCO countries and called for the creation of a new payment system within the group.

Western sanctions have cut Moscow off from traditional payment systems such as SWIFT, while hundreds of billions of dollars of Russian foreign exchange reserves remain frozen.

Xi Jinping and Putin believe the US-dominated post-Cold War era is collapsing. The Russian president said Thursday that the SCO plays an important role in creating a new, fairer world order.

The United States views China as its greatest competitor and Russia as its greatest threat to nation states. US President Joe Biden has said that this century will be defined by an existential struggle between democracies and autocracies.


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