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Boris Johnson's sister's podcast reveals alleged sexual assault by author Neil Gaiman | Society


Two women accused the writer Neil Gaiman of sexual assault, as made public in the podcast Tortoiseco-directed by Rachel Johnsonsister of former British Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

The alleged victims are a nanny who worked for his family in New Zealand, and a fan he met at a book signing, the court heard. Telegraph.

According to the media, the nanny called 'Scarlett' accused Gaiman that, just hours after they met in 2022, Gaiman entered the bathtub where she was taking a bath, She is 22 and he is 61.

The young woman was reportedly hired to work at the house by Gaiman's then-wife Amanda Palmer, with whom they had an “open marriage” in which both allowed the other to have relationships with third parties.

In another incident, he alleged that they had sex so “painful and violent” that he lost consciousness. “The pain was divine,” the woman said, stating that when she asked him to stop, the attacker “laughed and said I had to be punished and whipped me with his belt.”

The second accusation comes from an American woman known simply as “K”and it was about a fan who, at 18, met Gaiman at a book signing, staying in touch with him until they started having sex at 22, when he was almost 40.

In that case, she claims, in 2007, Gaiman forced her to have penetrative sex while she was suffering from a urinary tract infection. The act left her “screaming” in agony, she claims.

As he told the podcast, “As I got older, I realized that 18- and 20-year-olds, when you're 40, are like children… As the #MeToo issue became more nuanced, that's when I said, 'Wait a minute.'”

Gaiman's Defense

Both cases are denied by the author.

However, as stated in the same podcast, regarding the first incident with “Scarlett”, Gaiman claims that in the bathtub they only kissed and hugged after agreeing that there was consent despite the four-decade age difference.

And, regarding the second episode, there would be recordings of messages in which it would be evident that the relationship was consensual. He further added that he had to sign a confidentiality agreement with the family after he stopped working for them, although such a practice is not uncommon.

The woman should have reported it to the police, but the investigation did not progress and Gaiman was not even questioned, although he claims to have offered to be questioned.

As for “K,” her complaint was not filed with the police and Gaiman said he believes the charge was motivated by the woman's regret for having participated in the relationship.

Gaiman is an author known for works such as The Sandman, American Gods, Good Omens, Dead Boy Detectives and Coralline, and a well-known figure on the progressive left since the beginning of his career in the mid-1980s.




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