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Jared Golden doesn't know if a Democrat can beat Trump in November


Rep. Jared Golden (D-Maine) said Wednesday he's not sure which Democratic candidate could beat Donald Trump in November.

In his first interview since penning an op-ed in the Bangor Daily News, Golden stopped short of calling for President Biden to drop out of the presidential race after his shaky debate performance. But he predicted Biden would lose to Donald Trump in November. He added that he wasn’t sure Vice President Harris could beat Trump either.

Asked if he thought a Democrat could beat Trump, Golden said: “I don't know who can beat Trump right now.”

He also criticized the Biden campaign's emphasis on safeguarding democratic principles as a winning message against Trump, calling it a complete and abject failure.

Golden, who sits in a district that Trump won by about seven points in 2020, predicted Biden would lose his Republican-led House district in November by a larger margin than Hillary Clinton did in 2016. He warned that a major loss in his district could be a warning sign to other vulnerable Democrats who have voted with Biden's agenda more often than he did.

Goldens’s perspective comes as his fellow Democrats in the House of Representatives continue to debate whether Biden should remain at the top of the Democratic ticket after a debate last week that drew more questions than reassuring answers from Biden. Only one of them has so far publicly called on Biden to step down: Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas).

Golden and Rep. Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (D-Wash.), who co-chairs the centrist Blue Dog coalition, both said publicly Tuesday that Biden would not do well in their swing districts.

But they stopped short of calling for Biden to step down.

“I recognize that I’m not in a position to make that decision for Joe Biden. He’s the one making that decision,” Golden said. “What I can say is what’s going to happen if he’s nominated.”

Golden suggested another Democrat might be able to beat Trump. But he didn't say who, and he was pessimistic about Harris' chances given that he hasn't heard from his constituents and his district's performance.

“I would like the presidential candidates, regardless of party or both candidates, to be fresh faces, young people with new ideas, not people from the past,” Golden said. “And that’s not what Donald Trump or Joe Biden have given us.”

Golden’s decision to speak out wasn’t meant to coincide with Doggetts’. Although he didn’t watch the debate, Golden said he knew he had to make a statement about Biden because that’s what everyone in America is thinking and talking about. He said he noticed former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) say on MSNBC Tuesday that it’s legitimate to wonder whether this is an episode or a condition regarding the president.

Goldens’ message to his party goes beyond his warning about Biden and directly counters a key Democratic argument. The Maine Democrat acknowledges the need for local elections, but he worries that Democrats may be too inclined to attack Trump as a threat to democracy. Instead, he says, Democrats should focus on how their voters are feeling economically and socially.

The campaign message that Joe Biden, but also many Democrats, favored, that this election is about saving democracy has proven to be a total and abject failure. If you’re trying to appeal to, say, ordinary people or swing voters in swing states, it’s clearly going to be about the economy, as it almost always is, he said. “When you look at the last Congress, you see that there’s a lot of good things that we did.”

Unlike most of his colleagues, Golden believes Democrats should tout the strength of American democracy, even as it was tested on Jan. 6, 2021. But he says the message should be that the system held up because of government leaders who were willing to do the right thing, stand up to Trump and uphold the law. He believes Trump would be surrounded by similar people in a second Trump administration.

It echoes what many House Democrats have recognized since the debate: It is imperative for them to regain the majority because they may be the only chamber that could act as a check on another Trump administration.

Golden said, for example, that the House could block attempts by a Republican majority to reimpose Trump's 2017 tax law, which cut taxes on corporations and wealthy Americans.

“We have good new legislation that has passed through Congress that we can build on. We should be talking about these things and reminding people, 'Look, when Republicans are in power, you know what they do? They try to cut taxes for the rich,'” he said.




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