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Channel 4 row as Nadine Dorries refuses to reveal Boris Johnson's text on air


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Nadine Dorries has remained tight-lipped about the contents of a text from former Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson as Labour heads for a landslide general election victory.

Former MP Ms Dorries, who served as culture secretary under Mr Johnson, confirmed she had been contacted by the former Tory leader after the exit poll but declined to reveal her thoughts in an awkward on-screen moment.

Krishnan Guru-Murthy and Emily Maitlis, who led Channel 4's live election coverage, wanted to see if Mr Johnson had texted Ms Dorries before Tony Blair's former aide Alastair Campbell was contacted by his former boss.

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson and former Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries (Oli Scarff/PA)
Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson and former Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries (Oli Scarff/PA) (AP Archives)

Ms Dorries said no when asked what Mr Johnson had told her, before being questioned about his record as a proven liar following the report by Labour veteran Harriet Harman.

The 67-year-old appeared to have gotten into a heated debate with former Labour communications chief Mr Campbell, who was a presenter on Channel 4 alongside his co-host of The Rest Is Politics podcast, Rory Stewart.

Mr Campbell said: Harriet Harman produced a report which established beyond a shadow of a doubt that Boris Johnson was a proven liar, to which Ms Dorries replied: Are we going to get into this?

One of the reasons your party lost so badly tonight is because you continue to defend a liar and because other people continue to defend Liz Truss, who crashed the economy, Mr Campbell continued.

In response, Ms Dorries referred to a series of bitter rows between the Labour government and the BBC over its coverage of the US-UK invasion of Iraq in 2003.

Labour Party leader Tony Blair and press secretary Alastair Campbell (Neil Munns/PA)
Labour Party leader Tony Blair and press secretary Alastair Campbell (Neil Munns/PA) (AP Archives)

At the time, a Radio 4 Today programme reported that the government had built up an intelligence dossier before the conflict to strengthen the case for war.

She said: You just don't like it, Alastair, you don't like it when things come back to you.

During the on-air confrontation, Mr Campbell asked Mr Stewart: “Why don't you bring an adult point of view from the right?”

After the discussion, Ms Dorries disappeared from the table as did former chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng, who was replaced by Ann Widdecombe and former chancellor Nadhim Zahawi.

Mr Guru-Murthy said: Nadine has gone to talk to other people and will be back later in the morning, and Kwasi has also taken a break.

Earlier in her appearance on the show, Ms Dorries accused Mr Campbell of sexism.

Mr Campbell said honestly: Nadine, you have to forget Boris Johnson, before Ms Dorries said: Actually, I think that's quite a sexist comment.




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