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Latest news, latest updates on March 19 LIVE


Updated: Thu 19 Mar 2020 09:27 IST

New Delhi | Jagran Press Office: At Jagran English English Desk, we try to cover all relevant news and provide you with all the latest updates from India and around the world so you don't miss any important developments of the day. Here we provide you with a brief coverage of all genres including business, politics, the world, India, sports and entertainment.

Today, our main focus will be the Supreme Court, which will hear BJP's plea regarding the Madhya Pradesh ground test. The higher court will also hear a curative application filed by Pawan Gupta, one of the death row inmates in the Delhi gangrape case in 2012. Besides that, Prime Minister Narendra Modi address the nation today at 8 p.m., during which he will speak on matters relating to # COVID19 and efforts to combat it.

Here are the live updates from March 19:

9:30 am: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare: Total number of confirmed # COVID19 the number of cases in India stands at 166, including 141 Indian nationals and 25 foreign nationals. There have been 3 deaths in the country due to #Coronavirus until there.

9:25 a.m .: Maharashtra: The people of Nagpur gathered on the streets to exercise after the closure of all state sports halls due to #Coronavirus. Hardeep Bhatia, a local, said, "We build our immune system through exercise."

9:23 a.m .: Sensex collapses by 2,045.75 points, currently at 26,823.76.

9.20am: Sensex opened at 27,099.32, down 1,770.19 points.

9:17 a.m .: Allahabad High Court | Every effort should be made to ensure that prisoners on trial are not physically summoned by the district courts. District judges should ensure that pre-trial detention / required judicial work is carried out by videoconference, if possible. #Coronavirus

9 a.m .: Tamil Nadu | 50 international flights and 34 domestic flights were canceled at Chennai Airport. #Coronavirus

8:45 a.m .: Bihar: Punita Devi, wife of Akshay Thakur, a convict in the Delhi gang rape case in 2012, who filed for divorce before a local court in Aurangabad, did not not shown today. The next hearing date is March 24.

8.41 a.m .: Maharashtra | About fifteen huts were destroyed in a fire that started earlier today in the Wadarwadi region of Pune due to the explosion of a gas cylinder. The fire was extinguished, no casualties were reported.

8:26 a.m .: The Allahabad High Court orders the Chief Secretary of Uttar Pradesh, all state district magistrates and financial institutions not to recover or demolish until April 6. #Coronavirus

8:15 a.m .: Mario Diaz-Balart and Ben McAdams, members of the United States Congress, have been positive for #COVID-19.

8 a.m .: Uttarakhand: The magistrate of Haridwar district C Ravishankar issued an order prohibiting the entry of visitors to the Ganga Aarti site in Har-ki-Pauri until March 31. However, the Aarti will continue to be organized and will be broadcast live for the faithful. #Coronavirus

7.58 a.m .: Chandigarh: 23-year-old woman tested positive for #COVID-19. She has a history of traveling to the UK.

7:30 am: Delhi: Union Health Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan visited Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGI) (T-3) on the night of March 18-19 to take stock on readiness for # COVID19.

7:10 a.m .: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will propose to Lok Sabha the Banking Regulation (Amendment) Bill 2020 for consideration and adoption today.

7:05 a.m .: The bench of six judges of the Supreme Court will hear today the curative application filed by Pawan Gupta, one of the death row inmates in the Delhi gangrape case in 2012, claiming that at the time of the offense he was a minor and therefore his death sentence should be commuted to life. imprisonment.

7 a.m .: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the nation today at 8 p.m., during which he will speak on matters related to # COVID19 and efforts to combat it.

Posted by: James Kuanal

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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