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PTI's Ali Muhammad Khan slams party rebel Marwat for criticizing Imran Khan – Pakistan

PTI's Ali Muhammad Khan slams party rebel Marwat for criticizing Imran Khan – Pakistan
PTI's Ali Muhammad Khan slams party rebel Marwat for criticizing Imran Khan – Pakistan


PTI MNA Ali Muhammad Khan on Saturday lashed out at party maverick Sher Afzal Marwat after a video of him apparently criticising party founder Imran Khan emerged.

The PTI MP, known for his controversies, has previously accused the US and Saudi Arabia of conspiring to overthrow the PTI government. The PTI publicly distanced itself from his remarks, while Marwat called them his personal opinion, although he continued to stick to them.

In February, the PTI had issued a notice to Marwat over remarks against party chief Barrister Gohar Ali Khan that had sparked controversy within the party.

In May, he was issued a second formal notice for violating the party's code of conduct and harming its interests by his remarks against senior party leaders Omar Ayub and Shibli Faraz, as well as against Saudi Arabia. Marwat was also expelled from the party's central committee and political committees, at Imran's request, following his dissenting statements on Saudi Arabia.

A video circulating on social media today, apparently an excerpt from an interview with journalist Abrar Qureshi, shows Marwat saying: Khan has done wrong to me and Imran's decisions have harmed the party.

About a call for public protest, Marwat could be heard saying: Khan had to take this decision and he delayed it. If he had decided to bring people out and do it after Eid ul-Fitr, then everyone would have known that Imran wanted [people] to go out and that each was assigned tasks, adding that this measure would have separated those who complied and those who did not with the order of the founders of the PTI.

So far, Imran has not officially communicated or announced any decision that the people will mobilize for the recovery of their mandate or freedom or that of the judiciary. Khan should have taken this decision, Marwat said.

His social media team posted a message on his behalf saying: This video is edited. When the interview airs in full, you will see it for yourself.

On his own X account, he said that his interview in London was not the one that was presented.

I have complained about the treatment meted out to me, but I have never compared myself to Khan Sahib. The right to complain to a ruler is innocent and must be recognised.

Responding to the video during an interview on Geo News' Naya Pakistan show, MP Ali Muhammad said he was saddened by the remarks and could not believe them.

I say it with regret, I have never seen such a rapid rise and fall. He should not have said that.

He said that by speaking against Imran, Marwat had lost the respect that PTI had for MNA despite all the opposition you faced and we always defended that you played a role in a difficult time.

But Ali Muhammad said that when it comes to saying anything against the founder of the party, it is very wrong and completely unacceptable because this person is sacrificing himself for the entire nation in Adiala Jail. I am very sad about what Marwat Sahib has done.

He said that any attack on Imran, from inside or outside, was unacceptable, whether it came from friend or foe.

I did not expect Marwat to do this because the Pashtun people and the nation have great respect for him because of Imran. I think he should give an unconditional apology for this, not only from Imran but also from the PTI workers who have great respect for him in their hearts.

He added: “I say this with respect, you have really broken the hearts of PTI workers. You should not have spoken against Imran.”




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