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PM Modi discusses bilateral ties, FTA with UK PM Keir Starmer, invites him to visit India

PM Modi discusses bilateral ties, FTA with UK PM Keir Starmer, invites him to visit India
PM Modi discusses bilateral ties, FTA with UK PM Keir Starmer, invites him to visit India


Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated Keir Starmer on his election as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, marking a historic victory for the Labour Party. The two leaders reaffirmed their commitment to deepening the India-UK Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. Both sides agreed to work towards an early conclusion of a mutually beneficial free trade agreement. Modi also invited Starmer to visit India.

According to an official statement from the Prime Minister's Office (PMO), PM Modi spoke to his British counterpart Starmer, congratulating him on his remarkable electoral success. “Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi today spoke to the Right Honourable Keir Starmer, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. The Prime Minister congratulated him on assuming office as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and on the remarkable victory of the Labour Party in the elections,” the statement read.

The discussions between the two leaders also focused on advancing bilateral relations. “Both leaders recalled the historic relations between the two countries and reaffirmed their commitment to deepen and advance the India-UK Comprehensive Strategic Partnership,” the PMO statement said.

Highlighting the contributions of the Indian community in the UK, the leaders stressed the importance of promoting strong people-to-people ties. Prime Minister Modi invited Prime Minister Starmer to visit India soon. “Prime Minister Modi invited Prime Minister Starmer to visit India soon. The two leaders agreed to remain in touch,” the statement concluded.

The British Prime Minister's office, 10 Downing Street, said in a statement that the leaders exchanged congratulations on their respective election victories and reflected on the strength of the UK-India relationship.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said he “looked forward to further deepening the strong and respectful relationship between the two countries and welcomed Prime Minister Modi's leadership on key global challenges, such as climate change and economic growth,” the statement said.

“Discussing the importance of the UK-India Living Bridge, and the 2030 Roadmap, the leaders agreed that there were a wide range of areas where the two countries could deepen their cooperation,” he added.

Regarding the free trade agreement, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said he was ready to strike a deal that suited both sides, according to 10 Downing Street.

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Keir Starmer becomes UK Prime Minister after Labour Party landslide victory

In his inaugural speech as the UK’s new prime minister, Keir Starmer pledged to address national fatigue and rebuild the country after Labour’s landslide victory in the general election. “Our work is urgent and we begin it today,” Starmer said. Acknowledging the efforts of his predecessor, Rishi Sunak, he congratulated him on becoming the country’s first Asian prime minister.

Starmer, 61, became prime minister after Labour won more than 200 seats in a historic election on Thursday. He received the official blessing of King Charles III in a traditional ceremony known as the “kissing of the hands”. Rishi Sunak, 44, resigned from his post after meeting the monarch.

In his speech, Mr Starmer highlighted the public's decisive vote for change and a return to public service politics. “When the gap between the sacrifices citizens make and the services they receive from politicians becomes so wide, it leads to a weariness at the heart of a nation,” he said. “That wound can only be healed by actions, not words.”

Starmer stressed his commitment to immediate action, noting: “Public service is a privilege, and this government should treat every person in this country with respect.”




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