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Judge Pauses Deadline In Trump Classified Documents Case Over Immunity Questions : NPR

Judge Pauses Deadline In Trump Classified Documents Case Over Immunity Questions : NPR


Former U.S. President Donald Trump speaks at a rally at Greenbrier Farms on June 28 in Chesapeake, Virginia. The judge in the classified documents case against him has suspended some deadlines. Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images .

. Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

The federal judge overseeing the classified documents case against former President Donald Trump has suspended some deadlines after Trump's legal team requested a review of the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity.

On Friday, Trump’s legal team filed a court brief arguing that the Supreme Court’s ruling this week grants him full immunity from prosecution for his “official acts.” As part of an effort to dismiss the case, the former president’s lawyers have asked Judge Aileen Cannon to rule on whether the conduct in question was official.

Trump's legal team had also asked to argue the immunity issue before Cannon by early September, which would have effectively delayed all aspects of the case by at least two months.

Cannon’s order, issued Saturday, does not set a date for a discussion of the immunity issue, but allows for a brief pause tied to two deadlines for Trump’s lawyers and one deadline for prosecutors. The order gives federal prosecutors until July 18 to respond to Trump’s request for an extension. Trump’s legal team will then respond to the indictment on July 21.

Trump has argued that removing classified documents from the White House and subsequently transferring them to his Mar-a-Lago Florida resort was an official act and that the Supreme Court's decision should result in the charges brought by special counsel Jack Smith being dismissed.

In the court filing Friday, Trump’s lawyers also pointed to Justice Clarence Thomas’ concurring opinion in the immunity decision, which questioned Smith’s nomination and authority in the classified documents case. Trump’s team has also sought to have the case dismissed on those grounds, arguing that Smith’s nomination is unconstitutional.

Smith said the Supreme Court ruling did not apply to the classified documents case because the documents were taken while Trump was leaving office and the former president blocked FBI investigators from retrieving them at Mar-a-Lago once he was no longer president.

Cannon has not yet set a trial date in the case. The Trump-appointed judge has been criticized for indefinitely suspending the trial start date after announcing she needed more time to consider pretrial motions from the former president's legal team asking that the case be dismissed.




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