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Trump criticized for denying connection to Project 2025, despite evidence

Trump criticized for denying connection to Project 2025, despite evidence


The media and political pundits have attacked Donald Trump after he claimed to have no knowledge of Project 2025.

As calls to take on the right-wing plan seemingly emerged from the dark corners of the internet overnight, Trump took to Truth Social to deny his involvement in a way that left many baffled.

“I don’t know anything about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I don’t agree with some of the things they say and some of the things they say are absolutely ridiculous and appalling. Whatever they do, I wish them well, but I have nothing to do with them,” he wrote.

In response, DNC spokeswoman Aida Ross released the following statement:

Donald Trump and Project 2025 are a vast MAGA operation, coordinated around an extreme plan to tear away freedoms and undermine democracy, and they have made that clear themselves. Several of Trump’s closest White House aides are leading the project, and his own campaign press secretary starred in one of their recruitment videos, the statement said.

The Trump allies Ross refers to include: Trump's former chief of staff at the U.S. Office of Personnel and Management Paul Dans; former associate directors of presidential personnel Spencer Chretien and Troup Hemenway; former Trump White House aide Johnny McEntee; former chief of staff Mark Meadows; and former Trump West Wing adviser Stephen Miller.

All of the individuals listed above have been openly connected to or listed on the 2025 Project website in some form. Additionally, Trump campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt has been spotted in recruitment ads for the 2025 Project.

So what is Project 2025? According to its website, Project 2025 is the brainchild of a broad coalition of conservative organizations that have come together to ensure the success of the administration that will begin in January 2025. And by success, the project seems to mean an administration that will have the right conservative policy recommendations and a properly trained and vetted staff to implement them. They added, “We will take back our government.”

The Heritage Foundation is the lead organizer of the 2025 Project, and if that foundation sounds oddly familiar, it’s because its proposals have informed nearly two-thirds of Trump’s policies, including his Supreme Court picks, during his presidency. The 2025 Project website also proudly acknowledges this fact, sharing: “More recently, the Trump administration has relied heavily on Heritage’s mandate for policy guidance, adopting nearly two-thirds of Heritage’s proposals in just one year in office.”

And what does the Heritage Foundation have in store for the American people if we are blessed or cursed with another conservative president? A list of measures aimed at dismantling protections and rights on everything from abortion to climate change to LGBTQ equality to foreign aid paint a bleak picture.

Trump's denial of the information should be taken as confirmation that he knows everything about Project 2025, wrote Democratic Coalition co-founder Scott Dworkin.

Even President Joe Biden called it bullshit that Trump was unaware of a plan in which he is supposedly the linchpin for its activation.

What is he talking about? Biden tweeted. Trump is lying about Project 2025. It’s his people and his plan. But it’s your freedoms and your future that are at stake.

He added: “Trump's plan will destroy America. If you don't believe me, Google it.”

So when Trump says he doesn't know anything about Project 2025, he's either outright lying or he's not mentally fit to be president because he doesn't remember it.




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