Schiff says Biden must win by a landslide or pass the torch, adds that VP Harris could win against Trump

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said Sunday that Vice President Kamala Harris could win in a landslide against former President Donald Trump, but President Joe Biden must decide whether to remain in the race as the Democratic nominee amid backlash over his disastrous debate performance.
Asked about a poll showing Harris would outperform Trump if she replaced Biden, Schiff said on NBC News' Meet the Press that he thinks she would be a phenomenal president.
I think she has the experience, the judgment, the leadership ability to be an extraordinary president, Schiff told moderator Kristen Welker.
Asked about Biden's chances of winning the election, Schiff said, “He either has to win by a landslide or he has to pass the torch to someone who can.” Asked again by Welker about Harris' chances of winning against Trump, Schiff said he thought she could very well win by a landslide.
Before making a decision on who else should be nominated, the president must decide whether it is him, he said.
Asked whether Biden should step down and pass the torch to Harris, Schiff again said that was Biden's decision.
“I think Biden should take the time to talk to people outside of his immediate circle, talk to people he respects, objective people, people who are distant, and make the right decision for the country,” he said. And I believe that Joe Biden has always made the fundamental distinction that sets him apart from Donald Trump.
Schiff also expressed concerns about presidents running against Trump in the general election, noting the presidents' ages.
Given Biden’s incredible record and Trump’s abysmal record, he should be tied with Donald Trump, Schiff said. It shouldn’t even be a close match, and the reason it is is the president’s age.
Schiff also said Biden's interview with ABC News that aired Friday was not enough to allay growing concerns among Democrats about his mental health.
The interview did not allay concerns. No single interview is going to do it, he said. And I think the president has to decide whether he can put those concerns aside. Can he demonstrate to the American people that what happened in the debate was an aberration, that he can and will beat Donald Trump.
Asked whether he thought Biden should take a cognitive test after he declined to commit to taking one during his ABC News interview, Schiff said he would be happy if both Biden and Trump were willing to take a test.
“I think, frankly, a test would show that Donald Trump has a serious illness of some kind,” he said. But ultimately, the decision will come down to what Joe Biden thinks is best, and if his decision is to run, let him run hard and beat the bastard. And if his decision is to pass the torch, then the president should do everything in his power to make sure the other candidate succeeds.
Schiffs' responses come after Biden's interview with ABC News failed to assuage concerns from Democrats who called on Biden to step down after his lackluster performance in last month's debate. Frontline Democrats who spoke to NBC News say they fear his debate performance may have done irreversible damage to his candidacy.
In his interview with ABC News, the president sought to reassure voters that he remains the best candidate to beat Trump in November, saying he had a bad night at the debate as he sought to allay growing concerns about his age and mental fitness.
Biden has remained publicly defiant in the face of calls from some Democrats to drop out of the race, repeatedly saying that only the Lord Almighty could convince him to end his bid for a second term.
Sources 2/ https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/schiff-harris-win-overwhelmingly-replace-biden-rcna160591 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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