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PM Modi to visit Russia as Moscow deepens ties with China | World News

PM Modi to visit Russia as Moscow deepens ties with China | World News
PM Modi to visit Russia as Moscow deepens ties with China | World News


PM Modi, Putin

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi attend a meeting on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, September 16, 2022. Sputnik/Alexander Demyanchuk/Poo

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will visit Russia on Monday for the first time in five years, as Moscow tightens its embrace of New Delhi's rival China.

Modi is scheduled to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit, which will extend till Tuesday. Indian External Affairs Minister Vinay Kwatra told reporters in New Delhi that due to the lack of recent summits, several issues on the bilateral agenda have accumulated and need to be addressed.

Senior Indian diplomats, speaking on condition of anonymity, said that while major announcements are unlikely, Modi’s visit is intended to send a signal that the two sides remain close. Russia’s ties with India date back to the Cold War, and the country is India’s largest supplier of arms and oil. That relationship has remained strong, Kwatra said.

India, however, has been watching closely Russia's rapprochement with China, which has served as an economic and diplomatic lifeline amid sanctions against Ukraine. At a security summit in Kazakhstan last week, Putin described relations with China as the best in history.

Relations between India and China have been at their lowest since a border dispute erupted into violence in 2020, although both sides have agreed to talks to resolve the disagreement.

India, which sits between Russia, China and the West, is looking for more predictability from Russia and is ready to play a bigger role in promoting peace in Ukraine, said Petr Topychkanov, a senior research associate at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.

Still, behind closed doors, Putin could face questions from Modi about Russia's increasingly close ties with China, he said.

Moscow will be Modi’s first bilateral visit since winning a third term last month. His decision to travel to Russia rather than neighboring countries such as Bhutan, the Maldives and Sri Lanka marks a break with convention for Indian leaders. For Moscow, the trip is a way to counter Western efforts to portray Putin as a pariah for his February 2022 invasion of Ukraine while cementing relations with a major trading partner and a key buyer of its oil.

Measures to reduce the trade imbalance between the two countries are likely to figure prominently in the discussions, Kwatra said. India currently imports about $60 billion worth of goods annually from Russia, which buys less than $5 billion worth from India. China's actions in the Indo-Pacific region could also be discussed, the Indian top diplomat said.

While in previous years the Indian and Russian leaders met annually, Modi began avoiding such summits after Putin threatened to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine in 2022. The two men last met that year on the sidelines of a Shanghai Cooperation Organization meeting in Uzbekistan.

According to Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, a Moscow-based defense think tank, future arms deals could also be on the agenda. He said Russia could supply India with new air defense systems and Su-30MKI fighter jets, as well as licensed production of Ka-226T multi-role helicopters. India is facing a severe shortage of combat aircraft and is considering buying a dozen more from Russia to replace those lost in accidents.

Modi's trip comes weeks after a delegation of senior U.S. officials visited India to discuss cooperation on technology, security and investment. Modi has sought to strengthen the partnership with the United States and has pressed Washington to boost technology transfers and foreign investment.

The United States views India as a partner in its rivalry with China, but that relationship has at times frustrated Washington. Modi has refused to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, even as he has pushed for a diplomatic approach. U.S. prosecutors are also investigating an alleged murder plot on U.S. soil involving senior Indian officials.

US Deputy Secretary of State Kurt Campbell said in late June that US officials had raised concerns with New Delhi about India-Russia relations, but that Washington remained confident in India and wanted to expand those relations.

In addition to his talks with Putin, Modi is expected to meet members of the Indian community in Russia. About 14,000 Indians, including 4,500 students, reside there, according to the Indian Embassy.

First published: July 08, 2024 | 8:01 a.m. EAST




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