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PM Narendra Modi's visit to Russia: S Jaishankar says it is a great opportunity to hold direct trade talks with Vladimir Putin

PM Narendra Modi's visit to Russia: S Jaishankar says it is a great opportunity to hold direct trade talks with Vladimir Putin
PM Narendra Modi's visit to Russia: S Jaishankar says it is a great opportunity to hold direct trade talks with Vladimir Putin


External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Russia and his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin would be an excellent opportunity for the two leaders to “discuss directly” several issues, including trade imbalances.

“There are issues… like trade imbalance. So, at the leaders’ level, it will be a great opportunity for Prime Minister Modi and President Putin to sit down and talk to each other directly. And then, obviously, as per their directions, we will see how to take the relationship forward,” Jaishankar told news agency ANI.

He also spoke about the annual India-Russia bilateral summit, calling it a “good tradition” while highlighting “The long history of collaboration between India and Russia”

“There has been a bit of a delay in our annual summits. It's a good tradition. We are two countries that have a long history of working together. We recognized the need for an annual summit,” he said.

Recalling his visit to Moscow last year, Jaishankar told ANI that he had brought “a message from the Prime Minister” that India was “committed to holding the annual summit” and to doing it earlier.

“This is a recurring phenomenon. It is a way of taking stock of any relationship… one of the biggest changes has been that our economic relations with Russia have grown considerably,” the foreign minister added.

Jaishankar was also asked whether he had raised the issue of Indians stranded in the Russia-Ukraine conflict zone during his bilateral meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the SCO summit last week in Astana, Kazakhstan. The external affairs minister was quick to reply, “absolutely, very clearly and very strongly”.

“Several Indians were forced to serve in the Russian army. Only when they return will we know the full circumstances. But whatever the circumstances, for us it is unacceptable that Indian citizens end up in the army of another country in a war zone. I told him that we seek their cooperation and they are our friends and partners. We have to find a way for these people to return to India as quickly and efficiently as possible. He appreciated the point of view,” Jaishankar told ANI.

The foreign minister also said he had urged Sergei Lavrov to carry out “much more rigorous follow-up” on the issue.

“I've taken over that job and I intend to continue doing it until all our people there come back,” he added.

Prime Minister Modi will do it Embark on a two-day tour of Russia, He will leave Delhi at 10:55 am today and arrive at Vnukovo II International Airport at 5:20 pm later in the day. This will be his first visit to the country since the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the 22nd India-Russia summit that will review the entire multifaceted ties between the two countries.

The two world leaders will also review the overall bilateral relations, including in areas such as defense, investment, energy cooperation, education, culture and people-to-people exchanges over the next two days.

After Russia, the Prime Minister's next stop will be Austria on July 9.

Published on :

July 8, 2024

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