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Opinion that the CAP is not an achievement, but an obligation in the management of state finances

Opinion that the CAP is not an achievement, but an obligation in the management of state finances
Opinion that the CAP is not an achievement, but an obligation in the management of state finances


Jakarta, – President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) emphasized that state financial management must be carried out in a transparent and accountable manner. Therefore, an unqualified opinion (WTP) from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) is no longer an achievement, but must be obtained by every ministry/institution (K/L), from the central government to regional governments.

The CAP is not an achievement but an obligation for all of us. The obligation to use the APBN properly is the people's money and the state's money. “We must feel that every year we will definitely be audited, so it is our obligation to use the APBN and APBD properly,” said Joko Widodo when presenting the report on the results of the audit of the central government's financial report for the 2023 fiscal year and the summary of the audit results for the second semester of 2023 on Monday (8/7/2024).

LKPP is the responsibility of the APBN 2023 which consists of a financial report of the State Treasurer General (LKBUN) and 84 financial reports of ministries/institutions (LKKL). The BPK provided an unqualified opinion (WTP) on the LKPP 2023. This opinion is the eighth WTP opinion since the LKPP received it in 2016.

He said that currently, countries around the world are facing geopolitical turmoil. This is due to trade war conditions, the impact of climate change, and global economic growth is expected to reach only 3.2 percent in 2024. However, in the context of the current economic turbulence, Indonesia's economic growth in the first quarter of 2024 could reach 5.11 percent. He added that to encourage higher economic growth, the government must be agile, fast and tactical in exploiting opportunities.

Therefore, responsibility and flexibility must be implemented in a balanced manner. “We must not limit ourselves to formulating process-oriented procedures,” Jokowi said.

Jokowi added that the government of President-elect Prabowo Subianto will pay close attention to every recommendation of the BPK in the future so that the people's money can be used well and managed in a transparent and accountable manner.

“I ask ministers, heads of institutions and regional heads to immediately follow up and complete the recommendations of the BPK audit so that our APBN and APBD financial management improves every year,” Jokowi said.

BPK Chairman Isma Yatun said the BPK's opinions were in line with standards that ensured that audits were carried out while preserving the BPK's core values ​​of integrity, independence and professionalism, as well as providing benefits.

“The WTP opinion reflects the highest quality in accountability in the implementation of the APBN and is a proud achievement that cannot be separated from the government's commitment and hard efforts to support good governance in the management of state finances,” said Isma Yatun.

He said the transformation of government in managing state finances by submitting Central Government Performance Accountability Reports (LKjPP) under the LKPP is a prudent step in efforts to achieve national development goals through focused and integrated planning and budgeting. The dynamics of state financial management, which are increasingly developing in a context of challenges and disruptions, require synergy among stakeholders that is both effective and collaborative.

“We would like to express our gratitude to the President and his government staff who have been committed and worked hard to strengthen the foundations of accountability in the management of state financial governance over the past 10 years, in order to provide a solid foundation for the next government,” said Isma Yatun.




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