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Sen. JD Vance, Echoing Donald Trump, Says He's OK With Abortion Pills

Sen. JD Vance, Echoing Donald Trump, Says He's OK With Abortion Pills


On NBC's Meet the Press Sunday morning, Ohio Sen. and vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance said he supports access to the abortion pill mifepristone, echoing what Donald Trump said during the debate just over a week ago.

On the abortion pill issue, Vance began, the Supreme Court made a decision saying the American people should have access to this drug, Donald Trump supported that view, I support that view.

He was referring to the courts’ recent rejection of an attempt to limit access to mifepristone, which is safer than penicillin and Viagra. Their decision, however, leaves open the possibility of future attacks on the drug, which accounted for 63% of all abortions in 2023 and has been a lifeline for pregnant women in states where its use is strictly prohibited.

When asked by CNN moderator Dana Bash if he would block the use of abortion drugs, the former president responded that the Supreme Court had just approved the abortion pill. “I agree with their decision and I will not block it.” Earlier in the week, Trump told a group of evangelicals: “You have to follow your heart. You also have to remember that you have to get elected.”

As the Republican National Convention begins July 15 in Milwaukee, those on the right appear to be trying to agree on how they should talk about abortion, which about 1 in 8 voters say is the most important issue motivating their vote.

Vances’ response came after Meet the Press host Kristen Welker asked the senator about his position on Project 2025, a GOP blueprint for how Trump’s next four years should play out. The project is organized by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, and is comprised of a coalition of other conservative organizations. Although former Trump administration officials like Housing Secretary Ben Carson, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro and Office of Management and Budget Director Russ Vought are involved in Project 2025, the former president has tried to distance himself from the blueprint, saying he has no idea who is behind it.

Abortion pills pose the greatest threat to the unborn in a post-Roe world, the 2025 project, “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise,” states. Now that the Supreme Court has recognized that the Constitution contains no right to abortion, it continues, the FDA is ethically and legally obligated to review and withdraw its initial approval.

The Heritage Foundation does a lot of good work. They do a lot of things that I don’t agree with, a lot of things that I agree with,” Vance told Welker. “I guarantee you there are things that Trump likes and doesn’t like in that 900-page document,” he continued, referring to the mandate. “But he’s going to set the agenda for the next administration.”

Vance said he had not received the call from Trump asking him to officially run for him. More importantly, Kristen, we're just trying to get Donald Trump elected. Whoever the vice president is, he's got a lot of good people to choose from.

Vance has been vocal in his anti-abortion stance in the past.

In 2021, after the Texas legislature passed a near-total ban on abortion, Vance praised the measure. “My view on this issue has been very clear,” he said: “It’s not a question of whether a woman should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term, but whether a child should be allowed to live even if the circumstances of its birth are somehow inconvenient or a problem for society.”




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