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PM Narendra Modi's visit to Russia: Ukraine war on agenda of talks with President Putin | Latest News India

PM Narendra Modi's visit to Russia: Ukraine war on agenda of talks with President Putin | Latest News India
PM Narendra Modi's visit to Russia: Ukraine war on agenda of talks with President Putin | Latest News India


July 08, 2024 at 10:42 AM IST

During Prime Minister Modi's three-day visit to Moscow and Vienna, the main topics to be discussed will be the war in Ukraine, green fuels and clean energy.

New Delhi: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will have private one-on-one dinners with Russian President Vladimir Putin on July 8 and with Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer the following day to protect India's energy security and secure clean and green technologies from Moscow and Vienna respectively. The last private dinner that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi had with President Putin at the Kremlin in 2015 extended into the early hours of the following morning and this time, the Indian Prime Minister is being hosted at the Russian President's private residence.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russia's Vladimir Putin.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Russia's Vladimir Putin.

While Prime Minister Modi will be conferred the Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First, the highest state decoration of the Russian Federation, the visit to Moscow assumes special significance as India seeks to deepen and strengthen its energy ties with the Federation, with Europe sourcing energy from West Asia at higher prices due to the war in Ukraine. India will also explore various avenues, including the Arctic route to evacuate energy from Russia, as well as greater investments in the Federation's energy sector.

However, the key discussion between the two leaders will be on the war in Ukraine, which continues to destabilize global markets and the security situation. Given that Prime Minister Modi had a direct view of the G7 leaders regarding the war in Ukraine at the Italian summit last month, he will be able to impress upon President Putin the futility of continuing a protracted campaign and urge him to return to the negotiating table. Prime Minister Modi is one of the few world leaders who has an excellent personal equation with the Russian leader and both have mutual respect for each other.

While Prime Minister Modi will ask President Putin to stop recruiting Indians to fight Ukraine, he will also seek to deepen cooperation with Russia in space and nuclear energy. India is looking to activate Kudankulam reactors III and IV with Russian help in the next two years and start work on reactors V and VI of the 6,000 MW plant.

India is also seeking Russia's help for the Gaganyaan space mission to send Indian astronauts to space and back, with a view to establishing a space station in the future as well as landing on the Moon.

EnglishAfter visiting the Rosatom exhibition, showcasing Russian nuclear technology, in Moscow with President Putin, Prime Minister Modi will fly to Vienna for a private dialogue with the Chancellor of Austria on July 9 evening. Although Prime Minister Modi is the first Indian Prime Minister to visit Vienna after 1983, Austria has a deep historical connection with India with the 1740 travelogue of Indologist Joseph Tieffenhaler (cartographer of the Ganges) cited in the Supreme Court judgment in the Ayodhya Ramjanambhoomi case. Tieffenhaler was a Jesuit missionary, fluent in Arabic, Persian and Sanskrit, whose travels between 1743 and 1785 were recorded and his visit to Ayodhya was made available during the trial in French. The English translation was provided by the government as per the High Court order.

With Austria being an EU member and not a NATO member, the war in Ukraine will be at the heart of the dialogue between the two leaders, as both countries can play a role in ending the conflict, which has severe economic repercussions for the global South. While Austrian companies play a major role in India’s infrastructure for tunneling through the frozen, glacial mountains of the north, Vienna is also a leader in clean and green technologies such as converting used cooking oil into green fuel. While the Russian visit focuses on energy and the war in Ukraine, the Vienna trip is about high technology and the role of centrist powers in resolving conflicts.




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