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Xi Jinping calls for creating conditions for direct dialogue between Ukraine and Russia: it is in the interest of all parties

Xi Jinping calls for creating conditions for direct dialogue between Ukraine and Russia: it is in the interest of all parties
Xi Jinping calls for creating conditions for direct dialogue between Ukraine and Russia: it is in the interest of all parties


The international community must create the conditions for direct dialogue between Russia and Ukraine and provide assistance in this regard, Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Monday during a meeting in Beijing with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who stressed that Beijing would play a key role in deciding on the end of the war in Ukraine, according to EFE and AFP.

It is in the interests of all parties to seek a political solution through an early ceasefire, Xi said, according to a statement carried by state television CCTV and cited by Agerpres.

The Chinese leader thanked Orban for his efforts to find a political solution to the crisis in Ukraine and assured him that Beijing and Budapest share the same fundamental ideas and are working in the same direction.

China has actively promoted peace and peace negotiations and encouraged and supported all efforts leading to a panic resolution of the “crisis,” Xi said, adding that at this stage of the conflict, the focus should be on ending hostilities to a point where they do not spill over elsewhere, to avoid a deterioration of the situation and a deterrent effect on the parties.

Only when major powers show positive energy, instead of negative energy, can this conflict see a glimmer of hope for a ceasefire as soon as possible, Xi said.

For his part, Orban stressed that China not only loves peace in the face of a turbulent global situation, but has put forward a series of constructive initiatives, proving that it is a stabilizing force for world peace, according to CCTV.

The Hungarian prime minister told Xi that Budapest attaches great value and importance to China's role and influence, while affirming its willingness to work closely with Beijing in strategic communication and collaboration.

Orban said Hungary supports strengthening cooperation with China and opposes the formation of cliques and blocs.

The Hungarian leader explained on his official account on the social network X that the reason for his visit to China is that it “is a key power in creating conditions for peace in Ukraine.”

Orban landed in Beijing on Monday for an unannounced visit as part of his “peace mission,” which has not been taken up by the rest of the EU, during which he met last week in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin and in kyiv with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Orban's controversial visit to Moscow has angered Budapest's European partners, who have shown unwavering support for kyiv and cut ties with Russia after its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

The meeting with Putin was “sincere,” according to the Russian presidency, while during the meeting with Zelensky, Orban asked him to consider negotiating a ceasefire with Russia to “accelerate” peace negotiations.

Beijing and Budapest are advocating a panic solution to the conflict and are maintaining relations with the Kremlin, AFP notes.

Since the beginning of the conflict, China has adopted an ambiguous position regarding the war in Ukraine, calling for respect for the territorial integrity of all countries, including Ukraine, and respect for the “legitimate security concerns” of all parties, referring to Russia.

During his meeting with Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Beijing, Chinese President Xi Jinping congratulated Hungary on taking over the six-month rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union on July 1, under the motto “Make Europe Great Again”.

“We hope that Hungary will play an active role in promoting the healthy and stable development of China-EU relations so as to achieve positive interaction between the two sides,” Xi stressed, adding that “there are no political contradictions or fundamental conflicts of interest between China and the EU,” according to EFE.

Xi said Beijing-Brussels relations “have strategic significance and global impact and must remain stable and healthy to jointly face global challenges,” according to a statement carried by state broadcaster CCTV.

In turn, Orban recalled Xi's “successful visit” to Hungary about two months ago, during a European tour that took him to France and Serbia, during which they met.

Last week, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto urged European politicians to “fasten their seatbelts” before the next stage of Orban’s “peace mission” begins.

China will decide, together with the United States and the EU, on the end of the war triggered by Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, Orban said upon his arrival in the Chinese capital.

“In addition to the warring parties, there are three world powers that will decide the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war: the United States, the European Union and China,” Orban said on his Facebook account.

In the short statement, published on the social network next to the logo of the rotating presidency of the EU Council that Hungary assumed a week ago, the Hungarian leader, a reference for the international far right, explains in the message that Beijing is the third stage of his “peace mission”, after kyiv and Moscow.

“Next stop, Washington,” Orban posted on Instagram, referring to his planned trip to the US capital, where he will attend the NATO anniversary summit.

European leaders have distanced themselves from Orban's visit to Russia because it was not coordinated at EU level, just like his visit to Beijing or any other “peace mission”, which is why, they point out, the Hungarian head of government does not have a mandate to negotiate on behalf of the EU.

The fact that Budapest holds the six-monthly presidency “does not imply any external representation of the Union”, stressed the EU's High Representative for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, whom EU leaders have chosen as the future chief of European diplomacy in place of Borrell, also criticized Orban's trip to Moscow.

The Hungarian prime minister is considered Moscow's closest ally within the EU and announced a so-called “opening to the East” ten years ago, particularly to powers such as China, in order to become a bridge between East and West.

Editor-in-Chief: AP




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