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Chinese President Xi Jinping urges Russia, Ukraine to 'resume dialogue'

Chinese President Xi Jinping urges Russia, Ukraine to 'resume dialogue'
Chinese President Xi Jinping urges Russia, Ukraine to 'resume dialogue'


By James Edgar

Chinese President Xi Jinping told Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Monday that world powers should help Russia and Ukraine restart direct negotiations, during a visit to Beijing that the European leader called a “peace mission.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on July 8, 2024.
Chinese President Xi Jinping meets with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on July 8, 2024. Photo: Hua Chunying, via X.

Orban's trip to China comes a day before a NATO summit scheduled to mark its 75th anniversary, when setbacks in Ukraine are expected to dominate discussions, and follows surprise visits by the Hungarian prime minister to Russia and Ukraine last week.

Orban had earlier said his unannounced trip to Beijing was a “peace mission 3.0.”

According to Chinese state broadcaster CCTV, Xi said that “the international community should create conditions and provide assistance for both sides to resume direct dialogue and negotiations.”

“Only when all major powers exert positive energy instead of negative energy can the dawn of a ceasefire in this conflict appear as soon as possible,” Xi told Orban, according to CCTV.

“Xi Jinping stressed that it is in the interests of all parties to cease fire and seek a political solution as soon as possible,” CCTV said in a statement.

“The current goal is to adhere to the three principles of 'no spillover of the battlefield, no escalation of the war and no fanning the flames by any party' in order to calm the situation as soon as possible,” he added.

Following the talks, Orban wrote on social media platform X that China was “a key power in creating the conditions for peace” in the war between Russia and Ukraine.

“This is why I came to meet President Xi in Beijing, just two months after his official visit to Budapest,” he said.

EU Presidency

Orban, the European leader most friendly to Moscow, spoke with President Vladimir Putin on Friday about the war in Ukraine in a trip criticized by both kyiv and the EU, which said it threatened to undermine the bloc's position on the conflict.

Putin told Orban that Ukraine must withdraw its troops from regions annexed by Moscow if it wants peace.

Hungary took over the rotating presidency of the European Union in early July, and EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said Orban's trip to Russia was purely a bilateral matter and that he “had not received any mandate from the Council of the EU to go to Moscow.”

Close to Xi Jinping and the Kremlin, Orban refused to send weapons to kyiv, unlike his fellow European leaders.

The strategic partnership between China and Russia has been strengthened since the invasion of Ukraine.

Beijing presents itself as a neutral party in the war and says it is not sending lethal aid to either side, unlike the United States and other Western countries.

But it has provided a vital lifeline to Russia's isolated economy, where trade has been booming since the conflict began.

Orban was greeted at the airport by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying, according to a photo the nationalist leader posted on X.

Major investment

Xi Jinping visited Hungary in May this year, the last stop on a European tour that also took him to France and Serbia.

After a meeting with Orban, Xi Jinping said Beijing attached “great importance” to its relations with the EU.

Despite its small size, this central European country of 9.6 million people has attracted a flood of major Chinese projects in recent years, mainly related to the manufacture of batteries and electric vehicles (EVs).

The Hungarian government has boasted of having around 15 billion euros ($16 billion) of ongoing projects from the Asian country.

Since returning to power in 2010, Orban has advocated a foreign policy of “opening up to the East,” seeking closer economic ties with China, Russia and other Asian countries.

Last October, the Hungarian prime minister was the only EU leader to attend the summit of Xi Jinping's flagship Belt and Road initiative in Beijing.

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Beijing, China

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