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President asks ministries and institutions to immediately complete BPK recommendations

President asks ministries and institutions to immediately complete BPK recommendations
President asks ministries and institutions to immediately complete BPK recommendations


President Joko Widodo delivers a speech (Photo: Muchlis Jr/BPMI)

Jakarta (Kemenag) — The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, has asked all ministries and state institutions, as well as regional governments, to immediately follow up on the recommendations of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) so that the APBN and APBD are better managed, more transparent and more accountable.

“I ask the ministers, heads of institutions and regional heads to follow up and complete the recommendations of the BPK audit, so that our financial management of APBN and APBD will improve every year,” said the President at the presentation event. the results of the Audit Commission (BPK) audit on state financial management and accountability at JCC Senayan, Jakarta, Monday (8/7/2024).

Also present at the event were Indonesian Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, Indonesian Advanced Cabinet ministers, heads of institutions, TNI commanders, national police chiefs and regional heads from across Indonesia.

“The current government and I am sure that future governments will always pay close attention to every recommendation of the BPK so that the people's money is used well and managed in a transparent and accountable manner,” the President said.

On this occasion, the President expressed his appreciation and appreciation to the agencies and institutions that have again received an unqualified opinion (WTP) from the BPK on their 2023 financial reports.

However, the President recalled that the WTP opinion is not an achievement, but rather an obligation of every institution and institution that uses public money. I have often said that the CAP is not an achievement but an obligation to use the APBN well, it is people's money. It is state money, we must feel that we will be definitively controlled. “We have an obligation to use, execute and account for the APBN and APBD correctly,” he explained.

The president himself outlined the current global situation. According to him, in recent years the world has experienced upheavals, both geopolitically and geopolitically, and climate change has become increasingly evident. Global economic growth is also slowing down, this year it is estimated at only 3.2 percent. “Even the economic crisis has hit several regions,” he said.

Thank God, the Indonesian economy and politics are very stable, the economy continues to grow above 5 percent, in the first quarter of this year it grew by 5.11 percent. inflation is maintained. Indeed, BI and the Ministry of Home Affairs always meet with regional heads every Monday to maintain inflation in each region. “And also the realization of elections that go well, this is the basic capital to build a better country,” the President continued.

However, the President has given instructions to all his staff: to grow and be competitive with other countries, the government must be agile, fast and tactical and able to take advantage of opportunities.

We need to focus more on results. Don't complicate the process. Focus on achievements for the progress of this country, even though we know that a lot has been done in terms of regulation. However, there are several difficult and unsynchronized regulations. “There are still many such practices on the ground,” he explained.

We hope that bureaucratic and governance reforms will continue. Continue to simplify procedures so that the government functions more effectively and efficiently, focusing on results and not procedures, the President said.

Once again, in the interest of the nation's progress, the President instructed his aides to immediately implement the BPK's recommendations so that the state's financial management would be better, more transparent and more accountable.

The Ministry of Religion itself has received WTP opinions seven times in a row. The WTP opinion given to the Ministry of Religion itself is based on a number of criteria, including compliance with government accounting standards, adequacy of disclosure, compliance with statutory regulations and the effectiveness of the internal control system.




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