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Talash residents build bridge over stream by helping each other – Journal

Talash residents build bridge over stream by helping each other – Journal
Talash residents build bridge over stream by helping each other – Journal


LOWER DIR: Residents of Amlok Dara village of Talash have constructed a bridge over a stream on their own at a total cost of Rs 10 million in a record span of two months.

Disappointed with the government and local lawmakers, residents of Amlok Dara began building the bridge in May after flash floods washed away a connecting road.

Elders Malik Taj Mohammad Khan, Bakht Jamal, Mufti Khalid Mehmood, Murad Khan and village council chairman Rehman Zada ​​launched the project at a function.

Residents said they have long been asking local lawmakers and government departments to build the bridge, but to no avail.

They also praised their loved ones working abroad for making generous donations to the project.

The local elders had appointed Murad Khan, an engineer by profession, to supervise the project.

In an interview with Dawn, Mr Murad said local residents, wealthy individuals and overseas Pakistanis have contributed generously to the project. The construction of the bridge has entered its final stage and only the protective walls are to be built, he said, adding that they have enough funds to complete the project.

Bakht Jamal, one of the officials of the bridge, said that the bridge would be opened for traffic in a month. He added that overseas Pakistanis and local philanthropists have actively participated in the completion of the bridge.

CRITICAL CENTRE: Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf MNA from PK-14 Mohammad Azam Khan has lashed out at the federal government for not allowing the party to hold a public meeting in Islamabad the other day.

Speaking to reporters on Sunday, he said the federal government was afraid of the strength of the PTI.

The lawmaker criticised the Islamabad administration for removing chairs and other items from the venue of the public meeting.

Mr Azam said obstacles had been erected earlier on various routes to prevent workers from accessing the rally venue.

He said the workers loved PTI founder chairman and former Prime Minister Imran Khan and were ready to make any kind of sacrifice for their leader.

The MP said that the federal government had destroyed the national economy. He claimed that the PTI's mandate had been stolen and the country was being run by an incompetent and illegitimate government.

Published in Dawn, July 8, 2024




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