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Following Trump's lead, Republicans adopt platform that softens their stance on abortion

Following Trump's lead, Republicans adopt platform that softens their stance on abortion
Following Trump's lead, Republicans adopt platform that softens their stance on abortion


Donald J. Trump told officials Monday that he supports a new Republican Party platform that reflects the presumptive nominees' new stance on abortion rights and eases policy specificities in all areas of government.

The new platform, as described to The New York Times by people familiar with it, cements Mr. Trump’s ideological takeover of the GOP. The platform is even more nationalist, more protectionist and less socially conservative than the 2016 Republican platform that was duplicated in the 2020 election.

Mr. Trump, who has had the plan in his possession for several days, called a meeting of party officials on Monday and said he supported it. The document was overwhelmingly approved in a platform committee vote Monday, 84 to 18, according to a person briefed on the matter.

The abortion section has been toned down. There is no longer any reference to traditional marriage between a man and a woman. And there is no longer any emphasis on reducing the national debt, only a brief sentence about reducing wasteful government spending.

The rest of the document reflects Mr. Trump’s priorities as outlined on his campaign website: a tough immigration policy, including mass deportations; a protectionist trade policy with new tariffs on most imports; and sections on using federal power to roll back policies in academia, the military and throughout the U.S. government put in place by what he describes as radical Democrats.

Mr. Trump and his top advisers have alienated some activists by excluding them from the platform’s development. The former president has taken particular pains to soften language on abortion, an issue he sees as his greatest vulnerability in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

A Trump campaign spokesperson did not respond to an email seeking comment.

The section on protecting human life was significantly watered down in the 2024 platform proposal. In the 2016 and 2020 platforms, this section included many specific details about what the Republican Party would do to limit abortions, including supporting a federal ban on abortion after 20 weeks. It stated that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life that cannot be violated.

The proposed 2024 platform, as described to the Times, is called America First: A Return to Common Sense, and softens the language on abortion and shifts the issue from a matter of conscience to one that should be addressed by the states. “We believe that the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees that no person shall be denied life or liberty without due process of law, and that states are therefore free to enact laws protecting those rights,” the proposed platform reads.

The document makes no mention of a federal abortion ban, which Mr. Trump has said he opposes. Instead, the new platform emphasizes that Republicans oppose late-term abortion and stresses that the party supports access to birth control and IVF (fertility treatments).

Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, who had expressed concern about the changes to the platform before the committee's approval, spoke in favor of it.

“It is important that the GOP reaffirm today its commitment to protecting unborn life through the 14th Amendment,” she said in a statement. “Under the 14th Amendment, it is Congress that enacts and enforces its provisions. The Republican Party remains strongly pro-life nationally.” She added: “The mission of the pro-life movement, over the next six months, must be to defeat the extreme Biden-Harris abortion agenda.”

Ralph Reed, chairman of the socially conservative Faith and Freedom Coalition, was also optimistic about the new text.

The Republican Party platform clearly states that the unborn child has the right to life, which is protected by the Constitution under the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment, Reed said, adding that this right has long been part of the Republican platform and praising Trump. While ambitious, it applies to both the states and the federal government. The proposed ban on late-term abortion also requires action at the federal and state levels.

The new platform also affirms Mr. Trump’s position on Medicare and Social Security as the Republican Party’s, saying that Mr. Trump will not cut a dime from either program. The 2016 platform, by contrast, stated: “We reject the old maxim that Social Security is the third rail of American politics and that all options must be considered to preserve Social Security.”

It's worth noting that the platform also eliminated passages supporting Puerto Rico's statehood, something that has been a staple of Republican platform language for decades.

The new platform preamble also includes a general line that the Republican Party must defend equal treatment for all, adding that this applies to everyone, regardless of their political affiliation or personal beliefs.

But the text then indirectly refers to the multiple indictments Mr. Trump faces, as well as a series of felony convictions. The recent political persecution by Democrats threatens to destroy 250 years of American principles and practices and must be stopped, it reads.

Overall, the platform seems explicitly focused on winning in 2024 rather than on a broader vision for the Republican Party. The first two chapters focus on the issues that Mr. Trump wants to put at the heart of this race: inflation and immigration.

The platform committee will meet Monday in Milwaukee ahead of next week's full convention. After the committee votes to approve the document, the platform will go to a full vote next week.




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