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Government Minister rules out early release of Imran Khan

Government Minister rules out early release of Imran Khan
Government Minister rules out early release of Imran Khan


With the government reeling from the brutal and widely unpopular federal budget for the new fiscal year 2024-25, it has decided to redouble its efforts to stay in power with its current group of allies while ruling out an early release from prison for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan.

This was revealed on Monday by Federal Minister for Housing and Public Works Riaz Hussain Pirzada in an interview with [The Friday Times].

Pirzada affirmed that the incumbent government, with the support of all coalition partners, will complete its term smoothly.

He said the government had passed its first budget for the new financial year 2024-25 in Parliament without any problems and he was confident of running the government smoothly till the end of its term in 2028.

Asked about rumours of discontent among his allies, especially the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), which is considering a partnership with the PTI to dislodge the ruling Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and form a government at the centre, Pirzada dispelled the impression that the PPP could walk out of its alliance. He said there was no possibility of a new alliance emerging that could upset the fragile balance of power.

“The government's allies have expressed some reservations about the ruling party, which is common, but there is no sign of overthrowing the government or any adventure at this stage,” Pirzada said, asserting that their coalition partners will work smoothly with the ruling party until the end of the term as these “issues are not as simple as they seem.”

Asked whether the PPP could join the federal cabinet, which it has so far avoided, the federal minister replied that even though the PPP is the main coalition partner, it will not be part of the federal cabinet in the near future.

“So far, there has been no such development in this regard on the ground,” he said, adding that except the PPP, the rest of their allies were now part of the federal cabinet and were discharging their assigned responsibilities.

Responding to a question about the PPP's decision to stay away when the budget was presented in the National Assembly on June 12, Pirzada said the coalition government's first budget was passed smoothly by both the lower and upper houses of parliament because the ruling party addressed all the reservations expressed by its coalition partners.

The opposition has raised its voice inside and outside parliament according to its capabilities, he acknowledged.

“I don't see their leader (Imran Khan) getting parole in the near future,” he predicted, mentioning that the PTI chief continues to face legal proceedings.

Asked about the economic burdens imposed on the common man in the budget amid economic constraints and rampant inflation, Pirzada said his government was making all possible efforts to overcome the economic challenges facing the country.

“It is undoubtedly difficult to run the government in the current economic crisis when the masses are complaining about inflation and inflated utility bills,” he said, adding that despite economic constraints and the opposition’s cries, the Shehbaz Sharif-led government was striving to address the economic challenges and would end its term smoothly.

The coalition partners are in close collaboration with the ruling party at every step, he said, implying that their coalition partners have no choice but to work with the PML-N to ensure smooth functioning of the government in the current scenario.




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