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Syrians in Türkiye fear for their future after Erdogan plans talks with Assad

Syrians in Türkiye fear for their future after Erdogan plans talks with Assad
Syrians in Türkiye fear for their future after Erdogan plans talks with Assad


ISTANBUL (Reuters) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's sudden plan to invite his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad for talks has raised fears among Syrians in Turkey that they will be sent back, a week after a wave of anti-migrant violence had already shaken them.

Ankara severed ties with Damascus in 2011 after the start of the Syrian civil war and Turkish forces backed anti-Assad forces in the north of the country. But in the past two weeks, Erdogan has stressed the need for reconciliation with Turkey's neighbor.

On Sunday, he reportedly said he would call on Assad “at any time” to work toward restoring the old relations with Syria, severed by the war that has involved the United States, Russia, Turkey and several armed groups.

“There are fears that Erdogan will make a deal with Assad and send the Syrians back” to areas of the country controlled by Damascus, said Samir Alabdullah of the Harmoon Center for Contemporary Studies, a nonprofit organization based in Istanbul.

“There are also those who fear being stripped of their Turkish citizenship,” he said of some of the more than three million Syrian migrants who have arrived in Turkey.

Turkey hosts more refugees than any other nation.

The number of Syrian arrivals has worried Turks about whether they will ever return home, prompting Erdogan to promise negotiations and an eventual “honorable” voluntary return for most.

Ahmad, 19, a Syrian student from Istanbul's Eyupsultan district, said his family was considering selling their properties in Turkey because of anti-immigrant unrest.

“They are afraid even though they have Turkish nationality,” he said, declining to give his last name for security reasons.

In Istanbul’s densely populated Sultanbeyli neighborhood, home to many Syrian refugees, residents said attackers smashed the windows of a hair salon run by a Syrian and chanted anti-immigrant slogans. One Syrian mother said her 8-year-old son “now wants to stay inside because he thinks people might hurt us.”

Erdogan said public order was a red line for the country.

Syria has said any normalisation of relations could only come after Turkey agrees to withdraw thousands of troops from rebel-held areas – a precondition Ankara has called unacceptable, citing security concerns over Syrian Kurdish militants.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights, a UK-based advocacy group, said on Friday that Syria was not a safe country for the return of millions of refugees from Turkey.

Last week, Erdogan – who had toughened his stance on migrants somewhat ahead of last year's presidential elections – said that 670,000 people had returned to settlements in northern Syria and that another million were expected to return.

(Reporting by Burcu Karakas, editing by Jonathan Spicer and William Maclean)




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