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Xi Jinping calls for creating conditions for direct dialogue between Kyiv and Moscow

Xi Jinping calls for creating conditions for direct dialogue between Kyiv and Moscow
Xi Jinping calls for creating conditions for direct dialogue between Kyiv and Moscow


(Beijing) Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday called for creating conditions for direct dialogue between warring Ukraine and Russia, during a meeting in Beijing with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Sébastien RICCI

France Media Agency

His surprise trip to the Chinese capital comes after a controversial visit to Moscow on Friday, where the Hungarian leader met with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss the war in Ukraine.

Mr Orban, whose country holds the six-month rotating presidency of the European Union (EU), has irritated Budapest's European partners, who have shown unwavering support for Kyiv and have cut ties with Russia since its invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Viktor Orban is the only leader in the EU to have remained close to the Kremlin.

The Hungarian leader was received by Chinese President Xi Jinping, who called for creating conditions for direct dialogue between warring Ukraine and Russia, state television reported.

Only when major powers show positive energy, instead of negative energy, can this conflict see the glimmer of hope of a ceasefire as soon as possible, Xi stressed.

China and Hungary fundamentally share the same ideas, the Chinese leader added.

Beijing and Budapest are calling for a peaceful settlement of the conflict and are maintaining talks with the Kremlin.

China has consistently refused to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine and last year issued a document calling for a political resolution to the conflict, which Western countries say could allow Russia to keep much of the territory it seized from Ukraine.


In this photo released by the Reuters news agency, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, second left, speaks with Chinese President Xi Jinping during a bilateral meeting.

Peace Mission

The two men had already had the opportunity to speak privately in May during a state visit by Xi Jinping to Hungary.

On this occasion, the Chinese president praised an exemplary strategic partnership in the EU, calling on Hungary to play a more important role in the development of relations between Beijing and Brussels. This visit to Beijing is, according to Mr. Orban, a Peace Mission 3.0, he wrote on the social network X.

Next stop: Washington, he later announced on the social network Instagram. He will attend the NATO summit, organized from Tuesday to Thursday and which is expected to be once again dominated by the issue of the war in Ukraine.

Before Beijing and Moscow, Viktor Orban made a trip to Kyiv on July 2, the first since the start of the conflict, to meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Mr Orban had called for a ceasefire, contrary to the positions of the Ukrainians and their European allies. The Ukrainian leader rejected the idea, believing that it would take advantage of Moscow to strengthen its position.

Kyiv is demanding the complete withdrawal of Russian troops from the country, including from the Crimea Peninsula annexed by Moscow in 2014, and payment of damages caused since the invasion in February 2022.

Ukraine desperately needs Western aid to resist Russia. Washington, its main backer, has announced an additional $2.3 billion in funding, including for air defense systems.

The Hungarian Prime Minister stands out for his opposition to this assistance. At the beginning of the year, he vetoed a 50 billion euro package from the EU, which was finally validated after a delay.




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